Sunday, October 2, 2011

Let's Try This Again...

So just like all of the blogs I follow,
I have fallen [very] behind.
A lot has happened since my last blog:

I got a job at The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas

I absolutly love my job!
I applied in October/November,
but didn't hear back them until March.
I had pretty much given up working here,
but it was so worth the wait!

My CoStars are the greatest.
Some of them took me to my first club
for Industry Night
(aka free drinks!)

We play a lot at work and out of work:

Rawr! Lion costume at work
Bossman Cameron's Birthday

Blue Martini

Cancer Walk


Em, Kendall, Cameron and I went hiking at Mt. Charleston.

A few of use went to Dick's for Kendall's 25th birthday dinner

Then Kendall, Chris, and I went skydiving the next morning :D

STK with Nat and Jen
I'm very out of shape :(
So I've started going to the gym on a regular basis
with Kendall who goes every day;
I go every day too,
unless I work in the morning (when she goes.)
And even on those days,
I usually workout in some way
like P90x or the appt gym at Britt/Brandon's.
I'm so proud of myself :)
However, Kendall is in Washington right now.
And it is MUCH harder to workout
without your gym buddy :(

I went to see a few concerts with James:
Josh Groban <3
As you can tell, we had amazing seats! :)
We made PB&J cupcakes a couple weeks ago. 
Where he gets these ideas, I'm not really sure.

  I got really bored
and decided to make lasagna from scratch.
Took over four hours,
but totally worth it!

And recently,
I got a promotion to VIP Concierge.
I absolutely, possitivley
love love love
my job.

I feel like a real grown-up :)
I'm going to Chicago to see Bubble Butt this weekend.
Flying there on Saturday with Gma
Meeting up with Mom too.
And I'll get to see little Sammy finally :)

I guess that's all for now.
I'll try to keep up better with my blog...

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