Thursday, December 16, 2010

A Much Needed Break

After Mom told me that Sadie passed,
I cried, as expected.
I tried to find comfort in people via Facebook
and phone conversations
and texting.
I tried to hide myself in my reading,
and studying,
and work.

Studying for finals was not easy.
My group of study buddies for midterms weren't around;
one is in a sorority so she's no longer available,
another dropped out of school for the semester...
basically I was on my own.
Which is fine.
That's how it's supposed to be, right?
Gotta grow up sometime.

My co-workers were spreading rumors
that I was going to be fired
shortly after Black Friday.
This was also stressing me out.

All these things bundled into one,
made me feel like my life was out of control.
Which is exactly why I decided to jump in my car
and drive to Arizona.
Just because I can.

I wasn't going to tell anyone that I was coming,
but then I decided to tell my parents.
Just because I felt that was the grown-up thing to do.
It took some convincing on my part
to have them be okay with me driving alone.
Which, I am grateful that they worry,
because I know that they care.
But sometimes, it makes me feel like a little kid
when I can't do anything if my parents tell me no.

I'm going to have to start making my own decisions,
by myself,
with no help from others.

I don't know why really,
but my short trip home
was exactly what I needed.

I drove there by myself
for the first time ever.
I stopped at the regular places,
and did pretty darn good I think!
my GPS did take me through Phoenix
and would not let me get on the freeway.
Silly me,
but that's okay.

I showed up at the Divin's household
at about 11 in the morning.
Jenny answered the door
and I was so happy that I got to surprise her.

While I was there,
I ate lunch with my mom,
went shopping with my grandma,
got to talk with Mandy a little,
hung out with Jenny, Reilley and Stewart,
went to Andie's new place,
saw Sadie,
had lunch with the family,
and that was about it.
But I came home feeling much better.
I don't really know why,
it just made me feel like my batteries were recharged :)

On a different topic,
Fall semester is over.
I'm doing a cooking day with Gma
I have a spree planned with my co-worker Brittany
on Saturday.
I think my parents are coming
on Tuesday.
Co-worker Judy and I are getting our nails done
on Wednesday.
Bubble Butt and my grandparents fly into town
on Thursday.
My roommate is moving out
on Friday.
Christmas is

I like being busy with fun activities :)

My co-worker Nia wants to move in with me.
Another co-worker Cassandra has also mentioned it,
but doesn't seem serious about it.
My cousin has an interview in January
for a place that's right down the street from my house,
so she's also a possible roommate in the future..
I'll definitely have to think about it seriously
and decide if it's a good idea to even have a roommate.
It's nice to think that people want to move in,
if nothing else :P

I have the feeling that this is going to be an amazing winter break ♥

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Best Dog Ever

I got a call from my mom this morning
and she told me some very sad news.
Sadie is sick...
...and she was put to sleep today.

I can't believe I'll never get to see her again.

When she was younger,
She would sleep on our pillows,
wake us up for school every morning,
chase me around, nipping at my heals,
pull us on our rollerblades
play hide and seek...

She'd always lay with me when I'd cry,
get so excited when I would get home from school,
or when we'd take her for a walk,
whine when I wouldn't share my snacks,
follow the family around the house
(especially when food was involved)

Even when I went home last time,
she couldn't get up to greet me,
but still she wagged her tale,
and seemed so happy to see me.

I don't want to say goodbye.

♥ RIP Sadie ♥
I love you, always and forever.

My Foster Babies

Nevada SPCA Animal Rescue: I hope to grow up and become as magnificent as my ...: "Kiki Precious Update: Kiki was adopted on November 3rd! At the time of rescue Precious was lumbering around in a park, large from being ..."

Every once in a while I have been checking to see if my babies have been adopted. I never saw anything of them, so I assumed that they were in forever homes and happy.

It looks like "Kiki" (the one I called Belly) was just adopted yesterday and the rest of the kittens were adopted as well. Precious is still looking for a loving home, and it breaks my heart that I can't take her. She really was such a wonderful kitty :( She's so beautiful, I'm shocked nobody has picked her.

In their blog, they talk about how Kiki loved snuggling with her mom. It makes me so sad to think that she didn't have her siblings to cuddle with. Her and Sparky were close and I wish they could have stayed together... At least they are in loving homes though and I guess that's really all that I could ever ask for.

I miss my little ones so much ♥

I caught Zeus starring at the cabinets where the kittens used to hide. I swear he was waiting for them to come out...