Monday, April 26, 2010

Hello Breath, Where Have You been?

Both logic and math were easier this past week :)
I forgot my math test was today D:
so I didn't go to Keri for help
I got an 86%
all by myself :)

I need to clean my car.
And my house.
And I have some homework.
But on a more exciting note,
Dressing up & going to
Melting Pot with friends :)

My brother came home today
and asked if I wanted to go to the grocery store.
(Never go to the grocery store hungry.)
I went,
just because I was out of crackers
and I wanted to eat
the rest of my mom's shrimp dip :)

I like to listen to Mandy's blog site song
when I blog.

Weeny is driving me nuts!
She won't stop meowing :(

The power will be turned on in the condo

I spent $95 at Wet Seal
I don't even like Wet Seal!
I got a lot though...
2 pairs of sunglasses $10
2 swim suit tops $20
cute panties $.80 ea
2 pairs of leggings $7.50
5 shirts $5-$11.23
and I don't remember what else.

I cannot wait
for tomorrow evening.
I cannot wait
for the semester to be over.
I cannot wait
to take Natalie and Emma to Vegas.

I finally feel like I can breath.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Homework Break

I have been working on my Logic homework
for the past three hours.
I got one assignment completed,
so now it's time for a break :)

In my spare time,
I like to come up with names that I like.
Today, a new one popped into my head:
Emma Lee.
It interests me.
If you don't get it,
say it out loud.

I've come to find
that I'm the only girl in the world
that never danced around in her pj's
singing into her hairbrush.
Random fact.

I have officially been accepted
into both colleges that I applied for:
Yay me!

Susie is going to see our house
for the first time this week.
I really hope she likes our choice!

Zeus has learned how to tip over the trash,
pull out the chicken bones,
and eat them.
It worries me.

I'm at my brother's work today.
He promised he would clean,
if I would work for him.
Sounds like a good deal to me!
I get paid for my part :}

I can't wait to take my friends
to Vegas with me.
Such nice friends,
offering to help me move :)
I don't think they realize what they're getting into!
But it will be fun,
and I am excited!
I still haven't figured all the details out,
which makes me nervous.

People seem so baffled by the fact that I don't have a boyfriend.
What's so confusing about it?
I have school, work, and moving to focus on.
I don't have time for boys!

I need to start packing.

I bought a camera charger
for my old camera,
but it's the wrong one.
Now I have to send it back,
and wait another couple weeks
to get the right one.
Sad story.

I need to get my car washed.

Is it obvious that I'm stalling?
I don't want to go back to homework.