Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Fall Semester Goals

I've made some goals for myself this semester,
I think they all should be pretty reasonable to keep:

  • Get into shape (aka UNLV Gym 3x per week)
  • Have at least $6500 in savings by Dec. 15th
  • Get straight A's
  • Hang out with 2 co-workers outside of work
  • Hang out with 2 classmates outside of school
  • Draw, frame, and hang 4 drawings
  • Learn to cook 1 breakfast, 1 lunch, 2 dinners, and 5 desserts
  • Blog at least once a week
So far, I'm not doing well on going to the gym.
I haven't gone once.
But I still have enough days this week
to get my goal done :)
I will! get into shape.
(Have you ever put on your "fat jeans" and they fit?
Not a fun thing to do.)

Where I got the amount of $6500
and the date of December 15th
I have no idea.
They both just sort of popped into my head.
I am saving for Eurotrip next summer though,
I'll post more abut that later :)

I failed miserably at my goal of straight A's last semester.
So here we go again...
This time, I will do it!
(I have to have a minimum 2.5
for academic probation
as well as to join a sorority next semester.)

Being new to Vegas,
I don't know people my age.
So, school and work just seem like a good place
to meet some people
and make some friends :)

I hate how little I draw these days,
so I made a goal to do so.
I'm trying very hard
to draw something of quality.
I hope to sell something that I draw :)

Learning to cook.
I don't hate cooking,
but I don't really enjoy it either.
I eat out a lot.
A lot, a lot, a lot.
It'd be nice to have a meal or two
that I can show off when people visit :)

I haven't been blogging as often as I'd like.
I have lots of homework this semester.
I have a job.
Thus, a goal for once a week.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Heart Grows Stronger Through Pain

I've had a really weird sleep pattern recently
it's caused my brain to go crazy!

For example,
last night I couldn't sleep until after 5am
which lead me to listen to music

When you feel all alone
and the world has turned its back on you
give me a moment please
to tame your wild, wild heart.

which inspired me to draw a picture

but of course,
I didn't finish it.
Probably never will :P

I started looking at my school stuff.
Classes start on Monday
and I have assignments due
before class.
Holy crap!

I'm just taking a break from school work now.
I read Mandy's blog entry "Hey Cupcake"
and as always, it made me smile :)

I won't lie,
I check blog at least once a day
just to see if someone has published something.
The blogs I read aren't "professional"
but I love them.
Just being able to read
about my friends and family's every day life
is amazing.

Which brings me to a random thought I have had,
I have nine followers
I know four of them.
I just don't get it,
I mean,
I understand following an interesting blog
about photography, cooking, hair, makeup, whatevs...
but a blog about a random 20 year old's life?

It just seems so odd to me.

On a sadder note,
my great grandpa passed away yesterday at 2pm.
He would have been 99 years old in November I believe.

Brother 1986, Dad 1961, Gpa 1936, Gramps 1911
If the math is too hard for you,
that's 25 years apart each :)

♥ Rest in Peace, Gramps ♥

Monday, August 9, 2010

Day #1

Friday was my orientation day at Target.
Today was my first (and only) day of training
on the cashier stations.
I loved it!

I was so embarrassed though -
about an hour into the training,
I got sick.
I spent the next hour of training in the bathroom;
my trainer kept telling me it was okay to go home,
but I don't think I've ever felt so bad in my life.
I haven't been stay-home-from-work sick in over a year,
and so of course,
on my first day...

After I drank some water,
I was fine.
I think I was just dehydrated.
(I drank a lot of water yesterday,
so I think my body was shocked.)

I missed majority of the training,
but the funny part is,
I was the only training-cashier today
to get 100%
on all of my guest sales

I wish I could do cashiering every day,
I absolutly love it!
I kept glancing over at the cafe,
and I think they got
one customer per every ten that I did.

I know I'll be good at my job in the cafe though,
so I'm happy.

My co-workers are so, so nice
I couldn't have gotten a job in a better enviroment :)
(Even though I am one of the oldest workers...)

Congrats Target,
you have my approval