Friday, May 21, 2010

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions!

I have finally made a decision.
Kind of.
I've been going back and forth
between cutting my hair,
and dying it.

After looking through several pictures,
I've decided that I really don't want
short hair.
Not that it isn't adorable,
but I LOVE long hair.
And I know I would miss mine.

I'd even be happy,
with "normal" colored hair.
as of right now,
these are some of my fancies:

I love me some Christina :]
I would do the opposit on this one.
Black where there's white
and white where's their black.
This is a longtime want of mine :P
Another fancy.
Pink would be dark brown/black
Black would be a color
and white would be blonde.

None of these are what I am doing now.
I've got to be semi-reasonable
and restrain the color
to the tips.

I'll post pictures after Jenny is done working her magic on Monday

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Current Events

 I read an article today
about Pakistan banning Facebook and Youtube.
At first I was skeptical,
but it kind of made sense.
There was a Facebook page
that was created in support of South Park
that had people post drawings and what not
of the Prophet Mohamed.
No big deal, right?
It is I guess what you would call a sin to do such.
Basically, it's disrespectful.
Now, I think that sometimes, we Americans try a little too hard
to protect the feelings and beliefs of others.
respecting the little things is something
that never should be forgotten.
Banning all of Facebook and Youtube?
Maybe that's a bit extreme,
but it does get the point across.

On a different note,
I've come to terms with
clothes, toys, furniture, and such
being made in foreign countries
but it seems more and more movies
are even fleeing overseas.
Captain America
a movie about how great America is
(summed up in one super hero)
is being filmed in Europe,
only because it's the cheap thing to do.
I feel like screaming at people,
Why did we raise minimum wage?
It only made things more expensive.
Why do actors/sports players get paid so much?
the only justification I have ever gotten,
is that they only make one movie every so often
so they have to get paid more!
I can deal with that.
But lets say they work six months on one movie,
they should get the same average pay
as most people get in six months
and that's at a most.
I still say that's too much,
but it would be what I think is a good compromise.

As I get older,
I realize how much I want to change,
how much I know that can be changed.
And yet, I have no idea where to start.
I can complain all I want about minimum wage,
or about government spending,
or salaries,
or whatever else,
but nothing is going to be done
just because one girl whines.

I'm tempted to get a petition started
on some of these complaints.
I. just. don't. know. where. to. start.


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

21st Birthday

21st birthdays are a big deal,
society has made them that way.
someone special is having her 21st birthday today
but she isn't "celebrating" by drowning herself in alcohol.
Instead she is drinking Gatorade
and running her heart out.
Congrats on making it to nationals Hailey!
Congrats on your big 21!
I hope your birthday is a special one ♥

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Homework Anger

So is it just me,
or can homework put you into a seriously foul mood?

I feel like homework has more effect
on my emotions
than music.
And music can help me flip a 180 pretty quick.

I was working on math,
and had to just stop.
I'm at work,
and snapping at the guests,
would probably not be the best idea.
I don't really know why
something like homework
can put me into a bad mood.
After all,
I'm rarely ever legitly angry,
and yet math, of all things, has gotten me riled up.

I decided to read random articles
on Yahoo! to calm down.
Didn't help.
I just blurted out at the screen when I read some things.
Black shoes make a person fat?
I don't think so!
Girls can't wear board shorts with swim suits,
or else their legs look fat?
Um, no!
Quite the opposite in my opinion.
So then I decided to check my email.
Nothing interesting there,
but it took forever to load.

So now I'm blogging,
and I'm calming down.
I really just don't get it.
I should not be so upset,
over something that means so little.
(I wasn't even doing poorly
I just wasn't going as quickly as I wanted.)

I'm all better now :)

anyone else get this problem?