Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Homework Anger

So is it just me,
or can homework put you into a seriously foul mood?

I feel like homework has more effect
on my emotions
than music.
And music can help me flip a 180 pretty quick.

I was working on math,
and had to just stop.
I'm at work,
and snapping at the guests,
would probably not be the best idea.
I don't really know why
something like homework
can put me into a bad mood.
After all,
I'm rarely ever legitly angry,
and yet math, of all things, has gotten me riled up.

I decided to read random articles
on Yahoo! to calm down.
Didn't help.
I just blurted out at the screen when I read some things.
Black shoes make a person fat?
I don't think so!
Girls can't wear board shorts with swim suits,
or else their legs look fat?
Um, no!
Quite the opposite in my opinion.
So then I decided to check my email.
Nothing interesting there,
but it took forever to load.

So now I'm blogging,
and I'm calming down.
I really just don't get it.
I should not be so upset,
over something that means so little.
(I wasn't even doing poorly
I just wasn't going as quickly as I wanted.)

I'm all better now :)

anyone else get this problem?

1 comment:

  1. Well, I think I can say I know where you coming from. I think its just the stress of the end of the semester nearing too ya know? But yea, lately I've been getting irritated over the silliest things so yea it just helps to vent. I'm glad you found a way to feel better :)
