Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Since the Move

I have sat down multiple times
to write a new blog
since I moved to Henderson, Nevada.
my thoughts are so scrambled,
so random,
so... everywhere!
that it's been difficult to find a place to start.

As I blog tonight, I'm listening to Christina Aguilera.
I don't care what others say about her,
she's got a strength and self confidence
I've never seen from a woman before.
She makes me feel good to be who I am.
I can't find any good posters of her though,
which makes me sad.

Moving day was crazy.
Mom and Dad got home from the truck place
a little later than expected.
They didn't have the truck Mom reserved,
so they gave us the bigger one.
Ended up working out alright :)

Dad and Jeff drove the truck
Mom drove her car
and I drove mine with my three babies.

Needless to say, Zuzu enjoyed the ride ♥

The night before,
I tried to give them benedryl
because that's what the vet recomended.
they didn't like the taste.
Weeny started to foam at the mouth
(and continued to do so for an hour)
and Spaz threw it all up.
So on the moving day,
I let them wing it.
They usually like car rides anyway.
But I was going to keep them in crates,
since it was such a long drive.

By the time we got everything packed up,
the cats had been locked up for a couple hours.
Zeus was NOT happy with me
and started freaking out when I put him in the car.
So, of course, I let him out.
Spaz got jealous, so I had to let her out.
She got out, sat on the center console,
in front of the air
then got back into her crate and went to sleep!
Crazy girl,
she hates her crate,
but she decided to behave.

Weeny cried a little on and off
throughout the trip,
but I couldn't let her out.
She roams around the car,
my feet,
my face...

They made themselves at home quickly.

Weeny thought she hid herself better...

The following Monday,
the girls came for their first visit.

We had so much fun!
I can't wait to do it again :)

I started fostering a pregnant kitty:

Her name is Precious.
I don't think I'll have a problem finding a home for her,
she's gorgeous and young :)
There are already two homes waiting for a kitten!

And this, my friends,
is why I don't miss Arizona:

Just looking at them gives me the creeps!


Friday, June 18, 2010

Moving Day

My heart keeps beating out of my chest.

This picture is from 2005
but the house hasn't really changed all that much.
I grew up in this house,
and I love it

I moved out of this house a couple of years ago
but now I feel like it's more permanent.
I love Arizona,
I'm going to miss it.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Nervous Excitement

I ♥ my new school
Go Rebels!

Here's my schedule for the Fall semseter
Monday and Wednesday:
-Intro to Hospitality 1pm-2:15pm
-Industry Computer Applications 2:30pm-3:45pm
Tuesday Only:
-Sanitation 7:30am-11:20am
Ends 09/28/10
Tuesday and Thursday:
-Intro to Lodging 1pm-2:15pm
-Hospitality and Career Developement 11:30am-12:20pm
Hospitality Accounting

I ♥ my new home

I can't believe I'm moving in less than a week.
Two more days of work.
(Today and Wednesday)
Three more days to pack.
(Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday)
Moving Friday.
Friends coming on Monday...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


There is someone in my life
that frustraits the heck outa me.
They used to be my hero,
and I still find myself
grasping at the strings of the idea
of that hero coming back to me.

They lied to me on more than one occation
over silly little things
that I never would have cared about otherwise.
I was never the type to lecture them.
After all,
they were my hero,
and there was nothing they could do
to make me feel otherwise.
Except to lie.

There have been those in my life
that I thought so high of
and then purposely found their faults
so that I could let them go.
This was not one of those people.

I want our relationship
to be the way it was.
We've grown apart in the past,
but never for a reason more than that we didn't see each other.
Now I'm scared.
I'm moving away,
and I'm affraid
it's only going to cause us to grow even further apart.

I'm not so naiive to say
that it won't be my fault if we don't stay close.
It's up to me (and them) to stay in touch.
But I'm also not so naiive to say
that the distance won't hurt.
The reason I am leaving
is for school.
I have to work to survive.
I'm going to be living my life
as will they.
Phone calls, texting, and Facebook
won't be enough
to be as strong as we once were.

But over anything else,
I will always love them.
Through thick and thin,
over the ups,
and below the lows,
I will never stop striving
to have the relationship we once had.

Friday, June 4, 2010


my cousin just posted a video
of her "gremlin" boy.
Gotta say,
one of the cutest things ever.

I'm not going to lie.
I am not really a kids person
but when it comes to family
and sometimes my friends little siblings,
I love them.

One of the best parts of moving to Vegas
is that I get to see family
and that excites me

Thursday, June 3, 2010


I've had several ideas
for blog posts lately.
they never come out right
when I sit to write them.
I'm just going to post
the random ramblings of my mind:

My cats are still my babies.
I love them, and they make me laugh.
Every day.

Spaz and Weeny go CrAzY for catnip.

I probably shouldn't let them roll in it.
But it's too cute :)
And yes,
those specs on Spaz are catnip.
Zuzu prefers highlighters:

But I ♥ when I catch good-behavior pictures.

Embarrassing story of the century:

I burned Easy Mac.
That's right.
Easy Mac.

I got my hair cut yesterday.

I like it :)
I still miss my purple hair though :(

I'm so happy to have old friends back
and I'm terribly excited about our Vegas adventure.
But I try so hard,
not to think about after they leave.
I know Vegas is going to be a great step in my life,
but I'm sad to leave everyone.
The fact that good friends always come back,
has been proven to me
on more than one occation.
And I know they're only a phone call away,
but I can't go out at a random notice,
I can't get off work and go to Starbucks with them.
And that's what makes me sad.

Mandy, Emma, Natalie, Susan and I went to Emma's cabin a couple weeks ago.
We had a blast :)

I love these girls ♥