Thursday, June 3, 2010


I've had several ideas
for blog posts lately.
they never come out right
when I sit to write them.
I'm just going to post
the random ramblings of my mind:

My cats are still my babies.
I love them, and they make me laugh.
Every day.

Spaz and Weeny go CrAzY for catnip.

I probably shouldn't let them roll in it.
But it's too cute :)
And yes,
those specs on Spaz are catnip.
Zuzu prefers highlighters:

But I ♥ when I catch good-behavior pictures.

Embarrassing story of the century:

I burned Easy Mac.
That's right.
Easy Mac.

I got my hair cut yesterday.

I like it :)
I still miss my purple hair though :(

I'm so happy to have old friends back
and I'm terribly excited about our Vegas adventure.
But I try so hard,
not to think about after they leave.
I know Vegas is going to be a great step in my life,
but I'm sad to leave everyone.
The fact that good friends always come back,
has been proven to me
on more than one occation.
And I know they're only a phone call away,
but I can't go out at a random notice,
I can't get off work and go to Starbucks with them.
And that's what makes me sad.

Mandy, Emma, Natalie, Susan and I went to Emma's cabin a couple weeks ago.
We had a blast :)

I love these girls ♥

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