Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Since the Move

I have sat down multiple times
to write a new blog
since I moved to Henderson, Nevada.
my thoughts are so scrambled,
so random,
so... everywhere!
that it's been difficult to find a place to start.

As I blog tonight, I'm listening to Christina Aguilera.
I don't care what others say about her,
she's got a strength and self confidence
I've never seen from a woman before.
She makes me feel good to be who I am.
I can't find any good posters of her though,
which makes me sad.

Moving day was crazy.
Mom and Dad got home from the truck place
a little later than expected.
They didn't have the truck Mom reserved,
so they gave us the bigger one.
Ended up working out alright :)

Dad and Jeff drove the truck
Mom drove her car
and I drove mine with my three babies.

Needless to say, Zuzu enjoyed the ride ♥

The night before,
I tried to give them benedryl
because that's what the vet recomended.
they didn't like the taste.
Weeny started to foam at the mouth
(and continued to do so for an hour)
and Spaz threw it all up.
So on the moving day,
I let them wing it.
They usually like car rides anyway.
But I was going to keep them in crates,
since it was such a long drive.

By the time we got everything packed up,
the cats had been locked up for a couple hours.
Zeus was NOT happy with me
and started freaking out when I put him in the car.
So, of course, I let him out.
Spaz got jealous, so I had to let her out.
She got out, sat on the center console,
in front of the air
then got back into her crate and went to sleep!
Crazy girl,
she hates her crate,
but she decided to behave.

Weeny cried a little on and off
throughout the trip,
but I couldn't let her out.
She roams around the car,
my feet,
my face...

They made themselves at home quickly.

Weeny thought she hid herself better...

The following Monday,
the girls came for their first visit.

We had so much fun!
I can't wait to do it again :)

I started fostering a pregnant kitty:

Her name is Precious.
I don't think I'll have a problem finding a home for her,
she's gorgeous and young :)
There are already two homes waiting for a kitten!

And this, my friends,
is why I don't miss Arizona:

Just looking at them gives me the creeps!




    And i;m so proud of you. You are so, so brave. I love your condo and i love your new school. (:
    can' wait to see yoU again though!

  2. If your parents are okay with it I'll save one for you! :)

    It means a lot that you are proud of me!
    I will see you at the shower, and then I come back early November so we'll hang out then too :D
