Monday, January 3, 2011

Just Have a Feeling

2009 was probably the worst year of my life.
that's not saying much,
since it really wasn't that bad.
The only reason I even mention it,
is because 2010 was definitely
a step in the right direction.

At the start of 2010,
Mandy inspired me to write a blog about my word of the year.
It's time to do it again,
but first!
I just want to say that personally,
I feel like my word succeed was a success
[[haha, I'm so funny!]]
I made a life-changing decition
to get out from my comfort zone.
I moved away from home,
and started attending UNLV.
As of right now,
I feel that it was probably
one of the best decisions I've made so far.
I miss my friends dearly,
my brother, my parents,
but it makes everything that much more exciting
when I do get to be home.

Had it not been for 2009,
I never would have moved out of Arizona.
I would have got to ASU
and I don't think I'd be as happy as I am now.
I never would have had the guts
to get back in touch with Natalie,
who got me back in touch with Emma...

I'm getting off track.
I can already tell that 2011 is going to be
I have great friends back home,
I'm making good friends here in Las Vegas,
and as of a couple days ago,
I have regained all the people I love most.
The new year was brought in right,
with a couple good friends,
and a lot of laughter.

So, to get to the point,
2011's word is going to be
I took a couple small chances this past year,
some have turned out to be duds,
others have turned out fantastically.
I need to take more.
I need to stop being so afraid of
what could be
and focus on what is!

I've taken so many chances on others in the past.
This year,
it's time to focus on taking chances for myself.
I know it sounds selfish,
but somehow,
I don't think it is.
I just want to be the

1 comment:

  1. I don't think that's selfish at all. I wish you a more than amazing 2011!
