Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Just An Update

So the weekend went well and my little gathering of friends was a total blast; it really lifted my spirits and put me in a good mood for the entire weekend all the way up until yesterday. Not that I'm not in a good mood now, it's just that I was practically walking around with a smile plastered to my face. I was talking to Aaron about a little of everything and I realized that he is the type of person that although he gets along with literally everyone, he would be perfectly happy all alone. I don't think I could ever do that. In fact, I know I couldn't. I love my friends, and I love to socialize way to much to seperate myself from others.

And since last weekend was so much fun, Alaina and I have decided to keep this high-on-life feeling going by planning a camping trip for this upcoming weekend. Aaron, Jessica, Alaina, Blake, and I are all going for sure. Alaina's mom is letting us use their large tent that has seperate rooms as well as her suv. We're going to Christopher Creek, or at least I think that's what Alaina said. I am going over to her house to continue planning after work today. It's very exciting!

On top of that, since the following weekend is going to be the last that Alaina is available to do anything before all of her Best Buddy President stuff starts up, we are trying to convince her mom to let us go to Vegas to see Love. She likes the Beatles, and I loved it when I went (no pun intended.) Besides that, we have been trying to plan a road trip since before school was released and it's about time we take that trip.

Speaking of school, I am doing well in my math class, which actually surprised me a bit. It's discouraging to fail a class and have to take it over again, so I was really not pleased at all, but it's actually a lot better for me and I've only gotten one mark below a C which was on homework. Other than that I'm doing well. I got an eighty on my midterm, which to be quite honest I was not all too happy with. It is a B, so I am happy, but I thought I would have missed one, maybe two problems tops. Oh well, it's better than before which means I'm learning. I just would love to get an A in the class, it would be my first ever in math and I think I would cry from shock and happiness as well as pride.

On a different topic, I'm really starting to love my job. I work Tuesday evening and Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday nights. I always thought that I enjoyed having a day off and then working two days and then having a day off and then working three days... but that was until I started having three days in a row off. It's absolutely amazing! By the time Tuesday rolls around I'm ready to go back to work and I'm all refreshed too so that I actually work instead of half-assing it. The only bad point is the exact opposite: by the time it's Friday I don't care what happens or where, I just want it done so that I can leave.

Anyway, as I was saying I'm really starting to love working here. My fellow employees are great, the ones I actually work with at least. The other GSR's are eh but I only see them for maybe three hours a week if even that. Martha is one of my housekeepers and she acts like the mom of me and Alaina when she's here. She's really sweet with a sense of humor and is just as social as I am, so we get along really well. Mike is the maintainece man here, he is cool too. He's like a twentyone year old in a thirty something year old's body. We listen to the same music and have the same taste in pretty much everything. Cindy is another housekeeper, she's old and frail but has a major bite. She's polish too so I think most of her personality reminds me very much of Monika; they even have the same facial expressions sometimes. Victoria is my boss and she's great- most of the time at least. It's really weird with her because the more aggressive you are toward her, the more she seems to like you. Like Mike called her a witch with a capital b the other day and she immediately calmed down and was pleasant for the rest of the day. Personally, I would have fired him, but that's just Victoria. She's a real sweetie most of the time though; she just doesn't take kindly to anything she thinks is stupid.

So it's been a couple days since I wrote the above, it's been crazy busy for me. The planning of the camping trip was pretty rough and took several hours on Wednesday. I am supposed to go pick up Aaron and Jessica in Apache Junction tonight so that we can all leave from my place in the morning, but currently I am stuck at work. I was supposed to be off at two, but instead I'm waitng for Pam to arrive. Anyway, I also have been swamped with school work and stressing very much over my english class. I ordered the book over a week ago and it still has yet to arrive. My final draft is due on Monday, and I have yet to even start the essay. I sent an email to Mr. Martinez, so at least he knows. My math class is okay though, I only have one section left in chapter six, chapter seven, review, and my final to complete then I'm done with the course. I'm really hoping that this camping trip is fun and takes my mind off of school for a couple days.

On another note, I need to plan a trip to Vegas. I haven't seen Gma in a while, or the rest of the family for that matter. I was planning on seeing them when Alaina and I went to Vegas, but she isn't going to go. I know Jeff wants to go too, so hopefully we'll make it up there before fall semester starts up.

Other than that, nothing much is new. I'm just living my life and having a blast while doing so. Better than anything else, I'm happy.

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