Thursday, July 16, 2009


I worked the night shifts both Tuesday and Wednesday this week and both days were relatively slow. There were the stupid questions here and there and of course the typical paperwork and checking guests in, but other than that not much else was going on. So, I decided to take advantage of my time and work on my homework. I finished my rough draft for essay two of my english class and I am working on the last chapter for my math class. However, while working on my math homework yesterday, I figured out that if I hit the button "similar exersice" after my three attempts were up, I could have three more attempts at the same problem with new numbers- and get credit for it! So all this time, I could have been getting 100% on all of my homework and pretty much gaurenteed myself an A in the class. I was so angry that my teacher didn't let us know, that would have been good information at the begining of the class instead of the end! Darn...

Today I am working the morning shift and it is again still slow, even though we are at a pretty decent occupancy. There was a couple that came in a few minutes ago to look at a room and check the rates so I showed them around and gave them a five percent discount and just did the typical sales part of my possision. While I was putting their information into the computer they started talking in a different language, it didn't sound familiar at all but the man had a very strong accent to begin with. He said he was from Texas, but I think they were from Africa originally. After a minute of them talking, they started using clicks in their speach, it was interesting to listen to, and it makes me wonder where they are from and why they are here and everything else. They then turned to me and politley asked what my age was, when I told them I was nineteen they said that I look much younger, but I act so much older. They were impressed with my professionalism and pleased with how much I helped them find what they needed. It's always nice to get compliments like that, it just makes my day that much better.

In fact, there is another guest here who is on the long term program that I helped situate and get the lowest rate for him and made sure he got a room where he wanted and away from all of his employees that are here as well. He told both Victoria and Leslie how great of an employee I am and that I should be getting some sort of benefit for my work and how much money I made the company by getting him into the hotel (especially since he brings in people like crazy and they all stay at least one month.) Then, days later he was "horrified" to hear that I wasn't recieving anything for it, not even a thank you. I understand it is my job, and I told him that but he was still not satisfied. So instead, whenever I work the night shift if I am hungry and he is cooking, he makes me a dish too. So far he has made me two dinners: steak, mixed veggies with potatoes, and salad, and homemade tacos. He has also gotten me a pet fish that I named Beluga who sits on my counter at work. He keeps telling me that whatever I want he'll get it for me, and the fact that he makes $350,000 per year, I don't feel guilty about a meal or two. The thing he really wants to do is get me a gift certificate for a resturaunt of my choice, but when I told him Chili's or something like that he scoffed; he wants it to be a fancy resturaunt that I couldn't afford otherwise. Basically, from what he has said he felt I should be getting some of the profit the hotel is making on their stay, and that should be around three to five hundred dollors. So I should be going to a resturaunt that costs at least a hundred a person. I just can't ask for that much money from someone though, it doesn't feel right.

This upcoming weekend is going to be atrosious though, I work two twelve hour shifts. As Jeffery said, I could have said no. I can always say no, but I just feel bad when I do. It's hard to say no... But then I started looking at the schedule today and realized something. I decided to calculate the hours, and Victoria is only scheduled for twenty-five hours this week! What the heck?! Seriously, I work extra so that my boss can work barely over one day in a full week? That's just not right! Gr.

My final for math is a week from today. Just the thought of it makes my stomach turn... I do get to bring a 3x5 index card of notes though. I'm going to cram that baby FULL!

Well, back to work now :)

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