Thursday, February 11, 2010

Picture Update

It's been a while since I've uploaded any pictures, so I thought I'd do a re-cap of the past couple months :)

Christmas Eve
I brought Zeus to Grandma S's

He had fun under the tree
and in the presents :)

Then Candy started chasing him around the house... so I grabbed him.

Candy jumped at him
when I wasn't looking.
This was the result:

Family Pictures:

This is my brother's Xmas gift:

His name is Ka

I don't understand how anyone
can say that Arizona
isn't beautiful:

I felt like taking a picture of an orange tree.

School is kicking my butt.

These are all my books.

I have four books for math alone:

Plus practice CD's.
But at least I'm learning.
Plus, it's my last math class :)
Ever :D

I got some video games
to fool around with
when not doing homework.

My brother got bored
since I was hogging the TV
so he took a picture :P

Yesterday was my twentieth birfday :}

Yes, I'm wearing a crown.
I wore it all day.
I got a free pretzel from Auntie Anne's
and coupons for a bunch of other places.

Mom, Dad, Jeff, and Keri
went with me to Black Angus
where I almost missed dessert,
but they caught me
as I was walking out.

My teacher thought it was sweet
that I came to school on my birthday.
I could have ditched a day.
Especially since we didn't do anything.
But oh well.

On a different topic,
I took a picture of Zeus
because his legs looked like a frog's.
When I called his name,
he looked up at me.
This was the result:

I love my baby ♥



  1. I freakin love pictures. :]
    you're Christmas looked like fuuun.
    and your cat totally! looks like a scorpion. no joke.

  2. Hahaha I'm surprised I didn't notice the scorpion thing myself. Weird. I love pictures too... I don't know what I would do without them :D

  3. That's the wierdest cat picture I've ever seen.

    Happy Belated Birthday! You. Are. Beautiful. Love the new hair.

    If that's the orange tree from your parents yard, those are the best oranges I've ever tasted.

    Love ya!

  4. Haha, yes, I love Zues. You always see those funny pictures of cats online and go whaaa? and then you get a cat just like it and get to laugh at those moments every day :P

    Thanks :] I love my new hair too ;}

    Those oranges probably aren't the ones you've tasted, they're from the front yard not the back... I think they're sour. But they always look good!

    <3 Love ya too! <3
