Monday, February 22, 2010

Where Does Your Priority Lie?

Tonight I had history class. My teacher told pretty interesting lectures tonight; we got to hear a bit about Socrates. My teacher told us a story:

Socrates spent most of his time wondering through Athens speaking with groups of people. One day, a young man tapped on his shoulder after the group Socrates was talking to had dispersed and said, "Teach me knowledge." Socrates said nothing, turned and walked to the next gathering of people. Again, when the crowd went their separate ways, the young man tapped on his shoulder and said, "Teach me knowledge." He said nothing, turned and walked to the next discussion group. Once more, when the people parted, the young man tapped on Socrates' shoulder and said, "Teach me knowledge." Socrates turned and walked opposite of the city. He walked to the edge of the river, continued to the water came to his waist, and further still until the water went to his shoulders. The young man followed him. Socrates turned to face him, raised his arms, and pushed him under the water. The young man struggled and tossed until he ran out of air. Socrates then picked him up and laid him out on the bank of the river, then walked back into Athens to talk with people more. The young man woke up spitting water and then realized that Socrates tried to murder him. He ran into the city and when he found Socrates, he was not patient as before; he did not wait for the conversations to be over but instead grabbed him by the shoulders and forcefully turned him around, "Why did you try to kill me?!" Socrates simply stated, "When you want knowledge as badly as you wanted air, come see me."

My teacher then asked, "Where does your priority lie?" I went off on a mental tangent about where my priorities are, but I couldn't quite figure out where knowledge is.

Do you know where your knowledge priority is?


  1. I have noo clue. It's tough being responsible!
    I guess.. school, work. boyfriend. family.
    in no particular order.. sad huh? lol

  2. I wouldn't say that it's sad... at least you have priorities! Those are good priorities too :]
