Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Skin Color

I just got done reading an article on Yahoo! ranting and raving about how the cover of Vanity Fair not having enough diversity on it because all the girls are white. A while ago, Vogue published a magazine with only black girls in it. I don't understand why skin color is such a big freaking deal! So what if all the girls are white? Some have blonde hair some have brown one has red... technically they could all be from different decents. Is that not diversity? I guess my point is that if people would stop paying attention to the color of others' skin, it just wouldn't even matter anymore. Whether you look at skin color in a possitive or negative way, it's still racist. Period.

All of the below models/actresses say that they are a specific race. Can you tell what they are?


  1. I think the point is that privilege is invisible to those who have it.
    I just had a lecture and the professor was retelling a conversation between a white women and a black women, both out to set up women study courses at universities in the 70's. The white woman said when she looked in the mirror, she saw a woman. The black woman said when she looked in the mirror, she saw a black woman. why? because race is apart of her identity, her constant struggle in the world she lives in. For you and me, we don't often associate ourselves with race, because it's not a struggle we deal with.
    food for thought! ha.. good blogg girl.!

  2. I just don't understand why everyone can't put that behind them and just move on. Stop calling a person a black woman or white woman; she is just a woman. Period. My point was that if we could just do that, then maybe people would stop seeing skin color... or maybe I'm just naiive.
