Saturday, July 17, 2010

Awaiting Ideas

Two nights ago,
I went to sleep at 8pm and didn't get up until 9:30am
Last night,
I fell asleep watching TV at 6:30pm
then woke up at 9pm
and couldn't fall asleep unitl
I then woke up at 3:15
and ran screaming down my hallway
because the spider/cockroaches were chasing me.
(Aka nightmares.)
That's happened to me
several times since moving now.
Hopefully I don't do it while Susie is here,
I'd probably scare the crap out of her.

I got up at 8:58am today
and got ready for the day.
I went to Starbucks on my way to the DMV
(Mommy got me a gift card :})
I didn't have to wait long at all,
but it's a bit different than AZ.
First, you stand in line for information,
no matter if you have the forms filled out or not.
Then they send you to whatever line next.
I got sent to the "Written Test" room
since I am under 21
I had to retake the written test
to get my Nevada license.
There was no line there,
and the guy helping me was super nice.
He did a quick pre-test with me
to see if I needed to study
(Which I most definately did)
Nevada has some weird laws,
the one that stood out the most to me
was that if a person graffitti's a building
they get their license revoked for 3 years.

It cost $25 to take the test,
but I passed!
You could get ten of fifty wrong,
I got eight,
seven of which were within the first 10 questions.
Boy, was I nervous!!!

After taking that test,
they told me because I have three moving violations,
I have to take the behind the wheel test next.
the next appointment isn't for 5 weeks,
I made mine for September 3rd 10:30am
so that it wouldn't interfere with classes
(No class on Fridays.)

I was worried,
because I have to have either
a Nevada license or voter registration
to get in-state tuition at UNLV.
Like I said,
the guy was super nice,
and gave me a form to get an immediate
temporary voter registration until my permanent one
comes in the mail.
Lucky me! :)
I then went to UNLV to register for in-state,
but the office is only open Mon-Fri 8-5
which I was sort of expecting.
I'll have to go Monday.

I got Panda on the way home,
and now I'm sitting at my house,
waiting for an idea to pop into my head.


  1. I hate the DMV.. haha, sorry you have to take the behind the wheel. no bueno.
    I don't have classes on Friday either!

  2. Yeah, the test makes me nervous since I tend to freak when others judge my driving, but whatevs. I'm hoping not having classes on Fridays helps me have a couple weekends to come back to Arizona during the semester :]
