Sunday, May 31, 2009

I Need Art Classes

I would love to take drawing classes again... I love art! I just wish I had the motivation to do it more often, and to practice enough to get as good as I used to be. I need classes to learn how to shade and color though, I still have yet to learn. Jeez, it seems like I've been saying that forever! It's been a few years at least...

Mom and Dad's scanner cut off the side of the face and lightened the picture quite a bit. I'm pretty proud of it. She's pretty, but doesn't look all that much like who I was trying to draw... I put it on my myspace to see if anyone could guess :)

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Boring Work

Jeanie called me today, which was interesting. She's in Texas trainging to be a manager at Studio 6 and so she has nobody around to hang out with or talk to. It was a pretty random phone call I'll tell you that much! She had Mike kick me yesterday at work for her, and the first thing she said to me was, "I got you all the way from Texas! It's boring here I don't advice that you visit." That girl always makes me laugh.

I am working at the Homestead in Mesa right now, off of Dobson and the 60. I just turned and looked over at the war bored (basically a chart of the companies that schedule their employees to stay here) and Freescale is on it. It made me laugh to think that if Dad were from somewhere else and working where he does, he'd probably be stayind here. I don't know why that made me laugh, but it did. Simple things make my day :)

I wish that there was a way for me to watch my life, like a movie. But there isn't, so I figured that in each blog that I post I will try to put in a memory. That is what this blog is for after all! Hopefully, I will get on track and start posting all of my picture memories on here soon, before I forget what they are all about.

One of these days, I would like to post an extra long blog about RedCliff Accent. I mean, I spent three months there and already I'm starting to forget what it was like. I remember the first day, and I remember how lonely it was; I remember looking out on the green desert after we hiked to the Native American smoke mountain thing, and I definatley remember the snow. I remember a lot about it, but I just don't want to remember things wrong in the future... I don't really know why.

Anyway! I get off topic a lot...

Memory of the Day:
The message machiene was beeping at Mom and Dad's and I had just walked in the door. Mom listened to the message, then told me to call Arby's: she had already written down the number. I didn't want to call, I hate talking on the phone. I tried to get her to call for me, but she wouldn't allow it. I tried to tell her I would call later, but she made me sit down by the phone and call. Jake answered the phone and after I told him who I was, he asked if I could come in for an interview the next day. I was honestly surpised to get a callback so soon, but I accepted and walked around with a smile on my face for the rest of the day.

The interview went well, I had my hair up, wore my black schoolgirl heals, black pants and I don't remember what shirt. Mom didn't like those pants because the bottom's were torn, I think that's why I remember wearing them... Jake gave me the job on the spot and I started the following Monday I think.

Just Another Day At School

So I took a class called Gender in Society for a humanities credit this past semester, and the teacher was a total waco. I'm all for being open minded, but to honestly try to tell me that there is no such thing as gender is just crazy. I'm sorry, but there is physical evidence that proves that that statement is false. Well anyway, I decided to post this picture before I forgot all about it, or all about why we did it:

Brennan and I

My eighty something year old teacher was always going on and on about the same topics over and over, things like transgendered people deserve their own clothing line and women are suppressed and men are evil... and yet there are no genders. Hmmmm... Anyway! I wore a dress to school one day and Brennan wore his typical t-shirt and jeans. Danny cracked a joke that it would be hilarious for him to wear my dress. It was a funny joke at first, but then Danny dared Brennan to do it. Well, me being the weirdo that I am, had to make Brennan trade clothes with me so that the dare could be accomplished. We went into the boys bathroom because we figured that if Brennan went into the girls someone may call harassment on him. It's surprising how many guys leave the restroom once there's a girl in there... Lol! So after entering our seperate stalls and passing clothes under to each other, we were both dressed in opposite sex clothing. When we went back to the classroom, we got a bunch of what the hecks and even more giggles- Danny literally fell out of his chair he was laughing so hard- and the teacher applauded us. Oh, and Brennan just happened to be wearing one of Lisa's wigs that day so it just made things all that much better; I also tied my hair in a bun. I think I pull off manly quite well thank you! :P

I love being a dork :)

Friday, May 29, 2009


So I'm at work right now, on my break. I've been here since six thirty this morning and since about eight thirty I've been on my hands and knees scrubbing floors. I decided to take my break so that my knees don't break themselves :P BossLady Victoria is wearing one of her torn up t-shirts again today; it still baffles me how a manager really thinks they can dress the way that she does. But anyway, she asked me to work the night shift at the Homestead in Mesa tomorrow, which I of course accepted due to the fact that I had to go home after three hours yesterday. I really don't hate my job, I just dislike the night shift. I do wish that I worked with more people though.

Alaina is on this health kick that I've decided to join in on. No more fast food- this is going to be hard! Hopefully, Jeffrey will cook dinner for me more often now that he lives there :) He cooked "chicken" (it was really pork sirloin but I didn't know that) with mashed potatoes the other night. It was good, and Alaina thought it was funny how I scarfed it down. She made a comment about how I'm starved for real meals because how often I go out for Taco Bell's $.89 burritos and Burger King's dollar menu. I have to admit, I'm so sick of junk food! Now I just need to kick my soda drinking fettish...

On another note, I can't stop thinking about RCA recently. Sometimes it's good memories and I miss being there, but then I realize how horrible I felt while I was there and I just get sad. It's weird, because I'm so torn about the place. There are times when I want to go and be a staff member there, or even just do it all over again. And then there are times when I just want to forget the entire subject. Like I said, it's confusing.

Well, my break is almost up: time to get back to work!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Blogety Blog

So I wasn't going to post another blog entry until I organized all of my pictures and got everything situated, but it's taking a bit longer than I expected. Basically, I just have too many computers. I have a desktop that Mom has been working on for the past few weeks trying to get it to work again since it crashed on me several weeks ago, a dell laptop that refuses to connect to the internet, and a mac that I have no software for so it's kind of pointless not to mention it is the most difficult to maneuver. I have no idea how to spell "maneuver" by the way... Anyway, I think my desktop is working now, but I'm having difficulty reseting the wireless mouse and keyboard... So until then I'm going to have to wait on organizing the pictures.

Jeffrey is moving his stuff in and should be completley moved in by this week. It should be nice to have another person in the house again, it gets lonely watching tv by myself every night. His friend Stephen annoys me though, he's a girl.

I went to go get my nails done with Mom and Grandma S. today, which was a typical visit to the nail sallon. The guy that did my hands told me my nails are too thin and cut them all down to stubs. Mom and Grandma assured me that they look good still, but I guess I'm just frustrated. I grew my nails out for two weeks so that I could go get them done to look pretty for summer and he chopped them off! Booger.

Other than that I haven't really been doing much lately. I am done with my first year of college, which is nice. I got a C in computers and Gender in Society, an A in World Religion, and withdrew from math after my teacher told me that I should go back to the prior class. I also took micro economics this semester but it seems that my teacher in that class just disapeared. The class was online and grades were due last week but there's still no grade on my page. However, I start online math on June first so if the grade still doesn't show up I'll go to the counsler. I also have to go talk to someone about Gender in Society once Danny gets back from Lebanan. Everyone in the class got a C, even though he and I both got A's on every assignment. It just doesn't make sense. Maybe I just really bombed my final or something though. I hate tests!

I haven't really decided yet but I'm thinking about becoming a teacher. I'm not telling Mom until I know if that's what I want to do or not though, because she gets really excited with the idea. I just don't know what I would teach. I would love to teach art or creative writing, but both of those classes are slowly being faded out in Mesa. I guess I don't have to live in Mesa the rest of my life, and I don't plan to either, but I just would rather have a more stable job.

I still have three more years to decide, since I am determined to get my business degree before anything else. And, another choice after I get my business degree would be to move to Las Vegas and go to the college there so that I can manage/own a hotel. It just depends, because the hotel I'm at right now is simply getting on my nerves. I've been there nine months- longer than anyone else at that location, including managers- and all of the newbs are getting anything and everything that they want because they will demand things and I, well, won't. I ask for time off, they throw a fit if they don't get what they wish. That's a rant I could go on for hours though...

Other than that, nothing much is new. I have just been enjoying my break from school and working mornings instead of nights. I applied at Chick-Fil-A, but haven't heard back from them. I have also been talking to old friends, like B and Corbin. It's entertaining to say the least.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

So I woke up this morning to a wet spot on my bed. Zeus is scared of the other kitties while I'm sleeping I think so he can't get to the litter box. Poor thing.

Luckly, I have a bunk bed so I threw the sheets in the wash and climbed into my top bunk to sleep for a while longer before getting up and getting ready to go to my parents. Last weekend was Mother's Day, so as a gift to my mom's mom, we told her we would all go get family pictures today. The Zahner boys wore dark blue and the girls wore light blue, Keri wore brown, Grandma and Grandpa wore purple, Dad and Jeff wore grey, and Mom and I wore pink. Although, my shirt looks red in the picture because of the shadows. We got the picture taken at Kiddie Kandids in the mall so let's just say it wasn't the easiest, nor the most comfortable possisioning. Not to mention the photography skills are... limited.

From one point of view though, I have to say that it was a good thing that we got the picture taken at a children's studio. Jeffery and I kept goofing off like the little kids that we are. Jeff even fell over and almost took the background off the wall trying to sit on the tiny children's stool; his face was as bright as a cherry, but all of us that were paying attention were too busy laughing to care.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

New Friend

So yesterday I went to Petsmart to get cat food since my kitties are little piggies and eat, eat, eat! While I was there, I passed by the adoption section where there were several adult cats sleeping, but then to my surprise, they had one big window with about twelve kittens playing and sleeping and wrestling... they were all very cute but male, so the idea of adopting one didn't even cross my mind. But then, an orange tabby ran up to the window, pawed at me, and then started meowing. His name was Velveda. Needless to say, I fell in love with him instantly, and just had to get him. He is two months old, neutered, has all of his shots, and I get a free vet exam for whenever I need it. He is the most playful thing in the world, and compared to my other two babies (three if you include the one at my parent's) it's a pleasant change. However, Spaztik and Halloweeny don't really like him all that much. At first, they were okay with him, but then I guess he sniffed Spaz for a little too long and she started hissing. They haven't stopped since. He doesn't seem to mind though.

This is my baby Halloweeny, she's a weeny.

I know that Spaztik loves me, she just refuses to admit it.

And introducing: Zeus (Zuzu) Oscar Larsh.