Thursday, May 21, 2009

Blogety Blog

So I wasn't going to post another blog entry until I organized all of my pictures and got everything situated, but it's taking a bit longer than I expected. Basically, I just have too many computers. I have a desktop that Mom has been working on for the past few weeks trying to get it to work again since it crashed on me several weeks ago, a dell laptop that refuses to connect to the internet, and a mac that I have no software for so it's kind of pointless not to mention it is the most difficult to maneuver. I have no idea how to spell "maneuver" by the way... Anyway, I think my desktop is working now, but I'm having difficulty reseting the wireless mouse and keyboard... So until then I'm going to have to wait on organizing the pictures.

Jeffrey is moving his stuff in and should be completley moved in by this week. It should be nice to have another person in the house again, it gets lonely watching tv by myself every night. His friend Stephen annoys me though, he's a girl.

I went to go get my nails done with Mom and Grandma S. today, which was a typical visit to the nail sallon. The guy that did my hands told me my nails are too thin and cut them all down to stubs. Mom and Grandma assured me that they look good still, but I guess I'm just frustrated. I grew my nails out for two weeks so that I could go get them done to look pretty for summer and he chopped them off! Booger.

Other than that I haven't really been doing much lately. I am done with my first year of college, which is nice. I got a C in computers and Gender in Society, an A in World Religion, and withdrew from math after my teacher told me that I should go back to the prior class. I also took micro economics this semester but it seems that my teacher in that class just disapeared. The class was online and grades were due last week but there's still no grade on my page. However, I start online math on June first so if the grade still doesn't show up I'll go to the counsler. I also have to go talk to someone about Gender in Society once Danny gets back from Lebanan. Everyone in the class got a C, even though he and I both got A's on every assignment. It just doesn't make sense. Maybe I just really bombed my final or something though. I hate tests!

I haven't really decided yet but I'm thinking about becoming a teacher. I'm not telling Mom until I know if that's what I want to do or not though, because she gets really excited with the idea. I just don't know what I would teach. I would love to teach art or creative writing, but both of those classes are slowly being faded out in Mesa. I guess I don't have to live in Mesa the rest of my life, and I don't plan to either, but I just would rather have a more stable job.

I still have three more years to decide, since I am determined to get my business degree before anything else. And, another choice after I get my business degree would be to move to Las Vegas and go to the college there so that I can manage/own a hotel. It just depends, because the hotel I'm at right now is simply getting on my nerves. I've been there nine months- longer than anyone else at that location, including managers- and all of the newbs are getting anything and everything that they want because they will demand things and I, well, won't. I ask for time off, they throw a fit if they don't get what they wish. That's a rant I could go on for hours though...

Other than that, nothing much is new. I have just been enjoying my break from school and working mornings instead of nights. I applied at Chick-Fil-A, but haven't heard back from them. I have also been talking to old friends, like B and Corbin. It's entertaining to say the least.

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