Sunday, May 17, 2009

So I woke up this morning to a wet spot on my bed. Zeus is scared of the other kitties while I'm sleeping I think so he can't get to the litter box. Poor thing.

Luckly, I have a bunk bed so I threw the sheets in the wash and climbed into my top bunk to sleep for a while longer before getting up and getting ready to go to my parents. Last weekend was Mother's Day, so as a gift to my mom's mom, we told her we would all go get family pictures today. The Zahner boys wore dark blue and the girls wore light blue, Keri wore brown, Grandma and Grandpa wore purple, Dad and Jeff wore grey, and Mom and I wore pink. Although, my shirt looks red in the picture because of the shadows. We got the picture taken at Kiddie Kandids in the mall so let's just say it wasn't the easiest, nor the most comfortable possisioning. Not to mention the photography skills are... limited.

From one point of view though, I have to say that it was a good thing that we got the picture taken at a children's studio. Jeffery and I kept goofing off like the little kids that we are. Jeff even fell over and almost took the background off the wall trying to sit on the tiny children's stool; his face was as bright as a cherry, but all of us that were paying attention were too busy laughing to care.

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