Friday, May 29, 2009


So I'm at work right now, on my break. I've been here since six thirty this morning and since about eight thirty I've been on my hands and knees scrubbing floors. I decided to take my break so that my knees don't break themselves :P BossLady Victoria is wearing one of her torn up t-shirts again today; it still baffles me how a manager really thinks they can dress the way that she does. But anyway, she asked me to work the night shift at the Homestead in Mesa tomorrow, which I of course accepted due to the fact that I had to go home after three hours yesterday. I really don't hate my job, I just dislike the night shift. I do wish that I worked with more people though.

Alaina is on this health kick that I've decided to join in on. No more fast food- this is going to be hard! Hopefully, Jeffrey will cook dinner for me more often now that he lives there :) He cooked "chicken" (it was really pork sirloin but I didn't know that) with mashed potatoes the other night. It was good, and Alaina thought it was funny how I scarfed it down. She made a comment about how I'm starved for real meals because how often I go out for Taco Bell's $.89 burritos and Burger King's dollar menu. I have to admit, I'm so sick of junk food! Now I just need to kick my soda drinking fettish...

On another note, I can't stop thinking about RCA recently. Sometimes it's good memories and I miss being there, but then I realize how horrible I felt while I was there and I just get sad. It's weird, because I'm so torn about the place. There are times when I want to go and be a staff member there, or even just do it all over again. And then there are times when I just want to forget the entire subject. Like I said, it's confusing.

Well, my break is almost up: time to get back to work!

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