Saturday, May 30, 2009

Just Another Day At School

So I took a class called Gender in Society for a humanities credit this past semester, and the teacher was a total waco. I'm all for being open minded, but to honestly try to tell me that there is no such thing as gender is just crazy. I'm sorry, but there is physical evidence that proves that that statement is false. Well anyway, I decided to post this picture before I forgot all about it, or all about why we did it:

Brennan and I

My eighty something year old teacher was always going on and on about the same topics over and over, things like transgendered people deserve their own clothing line and women are suppressed and men are evil... and yet there are no genders. Hmmmm... Anyway! I wore a dress to school one day and Brennan wore his typical t-shirt and jeans. Danny cracked a joke that it would be hilarious for him to wear my dress. It was a funny joke at first, but then Danny dared Brennan to do it. Well, me being the weirdo that I am, had to make Brennan trade clothes with me so that the dare could be accomplished. We went into the boys bathroom because we figured that if Brennan went into the girls someone may call harassment on him. It's surprising how many guys leave the restroom once there's a girl in there... Lol! So after entering our seperate stalls and passing clothes under to each other, we were both dressed in opposite sex clothing. When we went back to the classroom, we got a bunch of what the hecks and even more giggles- Danny literally fell out of his chair he was laughing so hard- and the teacher applauded us. Oh, and Brennan just happened to be wearing one of Lisa's wigs that day so it just made things all that much better; I also tied my hair in a bun. I think I pull off manly quite well thank you! :P

I love being a dork :)

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