Thursday, August 27, 2009

Kind of Random?

So to start off my morning, I slept right through my alram for work since I couldn't sleep until four am for the second day in a row. Luckly, I woke up to my phone vibrating from a text message (how I slept through the "HELLO SLEEPYHEAD! TIME TO GET uUuUP! UP Up up up Up up UP!" and not the quite vibrate I'm still not really sure.) It was just past six thirty so luckly I had taken a shower last night and I just threw on work clothes and grabbed my keys and a SlimFast before running out the door. I went to start my car, but the key wouldn't turn. I pushed the gearshift into park and hit it a couple of times since that usually works, but then I noticed an extra little key on my set; I had grabbed Jeffrey's keys. Oops! So I had to run back into the house before I could go to work.

When I got there, Connie was acting funny. She's really a creepy lady to begin with and I feel like her head is going to do a three sixty at somepoint, so I just shrugged it off. But then she started giving me attitude. She was doing things that I had already told her numerous times before that she wasn't supposed to do and when I brought it up to her she just kept tsking at me and telling me that she was "Just giving customer service." What she was doing was getting me into trouble. Eventually I gave up, but was in a huff of a mood. When Martha got to work a ranted to her a little, just to explain the situation, and then I was over it. I'm so sick of people disrespecting me just because I'm younger than them, or because I'm not the manager. I am in charge when the manager is not here, Victoria has even sat them down to tell them that. But they still just don't listen. Leslie came in today though, and I very carefully explained my situation with Connie. I tried not to let my feelings get involved or my personal issues, I just wanted her to know that she wasn't listening and it was going to cost the company. For example, instead of folding the towels, she's simply been putting more than half of them in the dye bucket which is for the ones that are stained or torn. No wonder we have no linins for the guests! We just got a box of washcloths a week ago. Thats about fifty cloths, and this morning we were out. When Cindy found them in the bin, I told Leslie. There was absolutely nothing wrong with them, they were still brand new.

School is totally stressing me out. I absolutely LOVE it, but keeping up with everything is a bit much. I have math, psychology, and astronomy homework to do online and it's constant, so I just feel like I'm never finished. To top it off, I had to sit down with my astronomy teacher last night between classes because the math is over my head for the class! He told me that he would give me all the help I needed and that if I started to fall behind he would get me into the tutoring program for free. So far it looks like I'm safe, once he explained what I couldn't get I did okay. Then I also have this semi creepy kid that likes to stare at me who has offered as much help as I need. I can tell that he's just kind of a dweeb and that he doesn't know what to do around girls, but the staring is a bit far. On Monday he was sitting on the opposite side of the glass and out of the corner of my eye I could see him just straight out starring at me. I thought he may know me from high school or something, but I don't think so. Wednesday he sat down, then realized that the seat to my right wasn't taken and asked if he could sit there. I thought maybe then he wouldn't stare, but I was wrong. He did help me with my homework a bit though, which was nice.

I don't remember my point to all of that.

It's 1:34 in the afternoon, time to start getting ready for my end of shift. At 2:30 I'm going to take off, go home to change, grab a pillow, run by the art store to buy my supplies, then head to school. I think I can get there in time... Hopefully. The teacher doesn't mind about being tardy, but I do.

After school is I think dinner with Alaina and I think we're going to hang out at my parents for a bit before curfew so that we can not bug her mom <3 Plus I have to feed Saddie and Mattie.

I'm spending the weekend at Mom and Dad's. After work tomorrow I'm going to pick up all of my babies and bring them with me. Mattie will get over it, she knows she's my favorite anyway.

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