Tuesday, August 4, 2009


So last week I told Victoria that I would like as many hours as she could schedule me and that I would like to become full time if at all possible. This week (today) she scheduled me four hours LESS than what I normally have. She gave those four hours to an employee who is no longer supposed to be employed here. From what I was told, she was fired once Bahi was able to work solo, which she did all weekend. So why did Victoria give Pam four of my hours this week? To top it off, when I walked through the door Victoria, Pam and Tammy were all sitting around talking about me. I was supposed to come in at six, and I walked in the door eight minutes before. Pam and Tammy were complaining that I was always late. Tammy said that on normal days when I'm scheduled at two, she needs to be out the door at one fifty to catch her bus. I'm not allowed to clock in until two, so I'm not coming in fifteen minutes early so that she can catch me up on everything and take off ten minutes before her scheduled time. Sorry. When they realized that I was standing at the front desk, they asll smiled and asked me how my weekend was. Talk about twofaced. They each gave me a million things to catch up on and all spoke at once before taking off out the door, I didn't understand a word they said nor did I get the chance to ask questions. Not only that, but Pam and Tammy were both clocked in, which means that Tammy got four hours extra on her pay this week. I understand that she's in her late forties and needs the money, but I also told Victoria that I need hours too so just because I'm nineteen I don't get them? I work my butt off at work and I've been here for almost an entire year; it will officially be a full year on the 24th of this month. And yet I feel like they couldn't care less if I were here or not. I almost get the feeling that Victoria is trying to get me to quit, but I don't understand why. Maybe it's because of my school schedule- after all the others that work here only work and have no other obligations to attend to... I scheduled my school semester this fall for night classes so that Victoria wouldn't need to varry the schedule again. Apparently that was my mistake because when Tammy was hired she was told she would be working Monday through Friday mornings- as was I when Jeanie left. So now Tammy is throwing a fit because she wants the days that I work. She doesn't want to work evenings, but neither do I. Why should I have to work nights just because she doesn't want to? Why should I have to re-enroll in different classes? I've been here longer, don't I have seniority?

Maybe I'm simply complaining about things that really don't mean anything, but I just want to be respected at work and I don't feel like I am. Victoria pushes me around because she knows that I won't push back and I'm tired of it. I stay here because the job allows time to work on schoolwork, but honestly I'm tempted to just go get a different job and buy a nice desktop computer so that I can do my homework at home. I guess that walking in to everyone saying negative things about me really bothered me, I don't feel that I deserve it. I think I'm a nice, hardworking employee but I guess I'm mistaken.

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