Sunday, March 21, 2010


I remember when I was younger,
I used to poke fun at Mom for shivering.
She'd have goosebumps in the summer!
But, it was justified.
For some reason,
Arizonan business owners feel like
they have to crank the A/C full blast;
In reality it just makes matters worse.
I very much dislike going  from 100* to 60*
just by walking inside somewhere...

now it seems like I'm always cold.
My coworkers can't stand it
because I turn off the A/C all together,
which makes the office get to be about 80*
That's the lowest it can be for me to be comfortable.

Right now,
I'm at my brother's work covering a shift.
They have all the television and internet equipment in the office,
so the A/C is supposed to be set to around 67*
I'm freezing!
I can't wear a jacket because of uniform,
so instead I have my knees curled up to my chest
and am hoping for something to come up
that will allow me to run around the hotel like a crazy person.

At my hotel,
a few guests have accused me of being anemic.
I've looked into it a little,
and to be honest it is a possibility.
But in all reality,
I think I'm just a whimp!


1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you. I feel like such a silly person for bringing a jacket with me in the summer whenever I go shopping or to work or school, but it's soo cold in doors!
