Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My Baby

I got up early this morning
so that I could have laundry done by high time
but then, I couldn't go back to sleep.
So, instead I watched a movie.
About five minutes into it,
Zeus decided to come curl up with me,
as usual.
He fell asleep with his head up
and started snoring.
As I was petting him,
I noticed he was shaking a bit-
and drooling.
I laughed as I watched him,
he always has dreams about running
or something of the like...
But then his eyes opened and rolled into the back of his head,
his head dropped suddenly
and he started shaking more vigorously.
I got scared and tried not to move,
since he was laying on top of me.
After a solid minute,
he lifted his head and looked at me,
then stood and stumbled off the couch.
I got up and pet him,
checking to see if anything seemed
out of the ordinary.
But after that, he was fine again.
He played with Spaz
and then napped with me for the remainder of the movie.

I checked to see if it's possible
for cats to have seizures,
apparently it's one of the more common illnesses in cats.
The site I looked at
suggested going to the vet
and getting some tests done.
They said it could be epilepsy,
or in worst case it could be a tumor of some sort.

I'm almost tempted to just wait it out,
see if it happens again.
Maybe it was a one time thing???

The only time the seizures are serious
(according to the site)
is when they happen less than 30 days apart.
In which case,
medication would need to be given
every 12-24 hours.
What a miserable thing to have to do!

I just don't want to wait for another to happen,
and then something really serious evolves from it.
I mean,
the seizures themselves do no harm,
as long as he doesn't fall from a high place
or something else of the sort.
But then,
one cause of the seizures
is inflammation in the brain tissue.
If that's the case,
he could end up having a stroke!


I'm trying to think this out clearly.
I'm trying to not over-react.
It could have been a fluke after all...
but what if it wasn't?
I guess I'm just going to have to take him to the vet.
Now the question is what kind of money will all those tests cost?
My cats are my family,
and I knew the responsibility of taking them in.
I always knew that it was possible for one to get sick,
so I've been kinda-sorta prepared to fork over money for something like that.
But not until much later
Zuzu isn't even a year old yet!

I'm looking into this too deep.
Maybe, it really was just a dream he was having.

And yes, I know...
I understand he's
"just a cat"
but I'm attached at the heart strings.
He's my baby!
I don't want to lose him.


  1. That sucks! It's always a hard decision when it comes to animals vs. money because they are like family. If it helps, my mom's cat had seizures here and there for a long time, but he was really old. Sorry you have to stress about it. I hope he's ok.

  2. Yeah, I'm going to call the vet tomorrow and see what they think. I just got an email today telling me that he's a year old, so I'm hoping it was just a fluke :)

  3. OH my goodness. You're poor baby.. I'm sure it'll be okay. I mean, I myself would wait it out and pray everything would be alright, but that's just me. we've had soo many cats and never had anything like that happen to them.. Sorry I don't have better advice! But i'm sure you won't lose him.

  4. Thanks, oddly that made me feel better...
