Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Memories of My Babies

I thought that Zeus' birthday was the day he had a seizure.
(Which btw, he has seemed fine since - no more scares C:)
Actually, his birthday is today,
and that was the day of Spaz and Weeny's birthday.
I now have two, two year olds
and a one year old.
I cannot imagine doing so with children!

Spaztik was named by my ex-roommate Carrie
As a kitten, she was pretty weary of people
that is, until Carrie fed her macaroni one day.
Ever since then, she has been very people oriented.
Her and Weeny took to me more than Carrie,
and they both took a side by my head as kittens while I was sleeping.

One day, I came home to a gash on Spaz's neck.
The two sisters have always playfully fought,
but apparently it got brutal that day
and then since I had been at school and work,
her collar had rubbed against it and caused it to swell.
I washed it, and then a couple days later it didn't look like it was healing
I called a nearby vet and set up an appointment;
It was time they got their first shots anyway.
After that event, Spaz became the dominant one.

Alaina brought her laser pointer over once,
and we got Spaz to literally climb all the way up the wall
and touch the ceiling before she came tumbling back down.
I've never laughed so hard in my life :]

When we ride in the car,
Spaz likes to sit in the back seat and look out the window
as long as the window is closed that is.
She also likes to lay against the back windshield.

Spaztik actually got really upset when Aaron stopped coming around
Aaron was Colt's friend
and he would come over and cook and hang out
but he would spend literally hours petting Spaz
and she pouted for quite a while
after he didn't show up for a week or so.
She still craves way more attention than what I can give her at times!

Spaz is my curious kitty
she's the one I always find at the top of my closet
in my dresser drawers
trapped in cabinets
on top of the TV
and anywhere else she can find a way to hurt herself.

She's also my mama cat.
When Zeus first came around,
she actually got lots of orange hairballs
from bathing him.
She still chases him around
trying to give him a bath,
but he's stronger now
and has learned to bathe himself as well.

Spaz will sit for hours staring at the spot of a flashlight.
I think it keeps Jeffrey just as entertained.

One time,
Aaron and Colt let Spaz and Weeny wander out
while Alaina and I went to get food.
I came home and was very upset.
I managed to chase Weeny back in,
but I had to tackle Spaz about three condos down.

My little Halloweeny was the aggressive cat at first
until that little bite fiasco
Her name was actually Spaztastik before then,
but then Carrie stole the name
so Weeny actually went nameless for quite a while.
I named her Halloween around that time of the year
because as a kitten she had bright orange eyes
and she's all black including her whiskers.
The nickname "Weeny" didn't come until a little later.

Colt used to hang around a lot
and he isn't too fond of cats.
He started kicking them out of the bedroom
and they actually weren't allowed in there
for the whole time we dated as long as he was there
which I never really understood
I also caught him throwing Halloween down the hall like a football once
and then a couple weeks later
we were in the car
and he held her out the window while we were moving
because she wouldn't stop whaling.
That helped.
This is where the nickname Weeny came into play.

From that point on it was always hard to touch her
she would come up wanting attention,
but then as soon as you would stick your hand out to pet her,
she'd take off as fast as she could for a hiding spot.
Recently, she's gotten a lot better.
It's been an official year since Colt and I broke up
and Weeny can sit and be pet for long periods
I even got her to lay on Jeffrey's chest the other night :)

A while back,
there was a hole in my wall behind the washer and dryer
Weeny crawled into it one day
and then got stuck.
It took me nearly two hours to get her out
and she bit my hands several times in the process.
She wanted out so bad
but she couldn't stand sideways to get a good jump
and then the first time I reached my hand down
I grabbed her by the throat to try and pull her up
that just freaked her out more.
I was scared she was going to wander too far back
and get stuck under the house.
I grabbed her by the back of the neck
and pulled her up.
I know it hurt her,
but I had to go to work and it was the only way to get her out
without tearing up the wall.

Weeny's favorite place to lay is the silverwear drawer.
Jeff hates it, I think it's fascinating.

I can't sit on the toilet without having her come running.
She loves to be pet in the bathroom,
I still haven't figured out why.
Recently, I put bathmats down
so the door doesn't open easily
and Weeny is the only one that can fit through the small gap she makes
so when Zeus tries to come through
she swats at him
and his paw reaches back for her,
but she'll jump back and taunt him as long as she can.

I try not to leave the leg rests up on the couch anymore,
because Weeny likes to crawl up under there.
When Jeff first moved in,
he didn't know this.
I couldn't find Weeny one day
and Zeus and Spaz were spending a curious amount of time
staring and pawing at one of the couch sections.
I kinda looked over
and then I saw a black paw shoot out from underneath.
Poor girl was stuck in the couch.

Weeny has also recently
started chasing Zeus around the house.
Zeus loves it.

Zeus Oscar is my newest addition.
I haven't even had him for a year yet
and he's already my favorite
but don't tell the others that!
I wanted to name my next pet after Greek mythology
and I just knew this kitten was going to be a player.
Alaina liked the name Oscar better,
so we decided that was his middle name.
I should have taken more time to name him
I think I would have done Simba instead.
He acts just like the lion cub from Lion King.
When I saw Zeus in the window at PetsMart
I just couldn't resist.
He came up to the window and banged with his paw;
it was love at first sight.

When I brought Zuzu home,
the other cats were just fine with him...
for a while.
Then they didn't like him so much.
I had to sleep with him on my bed
and then he would be too scared to get up until I did
so he wet my bed a couple of times.
Eventually he realized that he was a little pimp
and every person that came into my house
loved him.
So then he just took over
and didn't let the other two cats boss him around.

Zeus sleeps with his head hanging out of the hole of the cat houses,
or digs at the covers until I let him crawl under with me
where he purrs for hours.

I sleep on the top bunk
and Zuzu doesn't know how to jump well
so I often wake up to him hanging from the edge of the railing
trying desperately to get his back legs over.

He just recently learned to jump onto the kitchen counter :)

When my brother's friends come over,
they like to open the door
and leave the screen door shut.
I came home from work one night
and couldn't help but laugh:
Zeus was hanging half way up the screen.
He also likes to chew on cords.
It's very annoying, and expensive.

As a kitten,
he LOVED Easy Mac.
As a kitten,
he HATED bath time after eating Easy Mac.

Jeff fed all the cats tuna the other night.
It was their first taste of it.
I swear Zeus licked his mouth
for an hour and a half after.

Zeus still tries to curl up on shoulders,
laps, necks, etc
like he did when he was small.
It doesn't work out so well.

In fact,
his favorite place in the car
is to sit behind the driver's neck.
Now that he's bigger,
it's not as comfortable
and he tends to have to re-situate a lot.
He's recently taken a liking to the back windshield.
He loves to stare out the window,
but if we start moving he gets nervous.

The other day,
I got up for work and got ready
I noticed that when I fed the cats
Zuzu was nowhere in site.
When I went into the living room,
I heard a faint meow
I opened my brother's bedroom door,
I opened my brother's bathroom door,
I didn't want to be late for work,
so I figured worse came to worse
I would find him stuck somewhere later.
When I opened the front door,
he ran inside.
Poor guy had been out all night.

He likes to roll around in the grass outside
but he hates the tree.
He never knows which house to return to
and always ends up going across the way.
He's kind of a dummy at times.

One of Zeus' favorite things to do,
is go for car rides.
Unless, we're leaving Mom and Dad's
he hates that.
If he gets the chance,
he'll run back to their door.
When we leave Petsmart,
he does the same thing.
He always wants to go play on the cat trees.

All three of my cats are my babies. I do feel like a crazy cat lady at times, but that's okay. They all love my parent's house - Weeny has lots of hiding spots, Spaz has room to roam, and Zeus (or Zeusy as my mom calls him) has lots to explore and play with; including an unknown cat to torment. I can't wait to have a house for them to roam in :)

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