Sunday, March 28, 2010


Talk about blog overload...
I logged on to four new blogs by my cousin Jessie
and one by Mandy.
Exciting :]

I've gotten to work another 40 hr week this week
Tammy is moving houses
so I'm working her shifts :)
Work on top of hw has not been easy this week
but I've managed so far
I have a math test tomorrow :(
So between working from 630-230 and hw
I haven't gotten much fun time since Vegas.
Natalie picked me up from work yesterday though,
and we went for a lovely outing together.
We went to watch guard teams compete in nationals;
it was fun, but made me miss dancing.
I was slightly nervous about drama starting,
but I ended up seeing an old friend
and we got to talk a little.
It was great :]
I was very happy.

I think the house in Vegas is pretty much mine,
it just has to go through inspection.
I have officially been accepted into UNLV as well
so it looks like I'm really leaving.
It's scary, but I'm excited too.
I had a dream last night about moving
and after my parents left to go home,
I just kind of stood in the middle of my living room going
"Now what?"
It's a frightening thought.
I can't just drive to my parents when I'm bored,
I can't go sit at The Park whenever I feel like it,
I can't sit and laugh with my brother until the early morning hours...
But I'll get to have new experiences
and be thrown from my comfort zone :)

I know there was something else I was going to say. But I don't remember.

1 comment:

  1. =] Britt, that is so exciting! I'm so happy that you got accepted into UNLV. This is going to be an exciting new chapter in your life and I'm excited to hear how it begins!(sorry about the overuse of the variations of the word exciting..but hey it is..EXCITING! ) ;)
