Wednesday, September 8, 2010

End of the Chapter

It started with Precious:

Then came SweetPea:

And then Belly:

Followed by Sparky or Rebel:
(couldn't tell the difference until they're eyes changed)

In between them was Prince Charming:

And last, but certainly not least,
Mixberry fell out and scared me to death:

SweetPea's name says it all,
and she obtained that name
by being the Sweetie that she is.

Belly loves to have her tummy rubbed.
Every time I scratch her back,
she rolls over for her belly to be rubbed.
I found out that her mommy does the same :)

Sparky and Rebel
I couldn't tell apart until recently.
When I got home from AZ,
the kitten's eye colors had changed.
One of the orange cats eyes creeped me out.
They looked like demon eyes!
I thought about naming him Little Devil or something,
but then I thought of a name for the other orange kitten.
He is scared of everything,
but has a lot of spunk.
I thought about "Spunky"
but that was just too blah.
Instead, I thought Sparky would be a good fit.
Rebel fell into place shortly after,
since Sparky is ASU and Rebel is UNLV.

Prince Charming
is everyone in AZ's favorite kitty
(with the exception of my mom and I)
and he really is a prince,
so the name just kind of fell into place.

Jenny thought about Blueberry,
and then after a few minutes,
Stewart jokingly suggested Mixberry.
Jen loved the idea,
and so it stuck.
Although Steward still calls her
every once in a while.

I am so happy I got to do this fostering thing,
and I'm kind of sad that it's going to be over soon.
I am ready to have my house back.
I am ready to not feel guilty about
neglecting my babies.
now that they're eating solid food,
I went through a big bad in less than two weeks!
So financially,
I'm happy for this to be over.

I am going to miss them though

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