Friday, September 18, 2009

Blog Obsessed

Okay, so I guess I've become a bit blog obsessed. I try not to write about things that I won't care about a year from now, but sometimes I guess I just can't resist. I like to write about my day, and I like to read about other's. I always find myself disapointed when I'm reading a blog, and it comes to an end. I always want to know more. Whether it's about their day or involves pictures of the people that I rarely get to see, I'm always sucked right into the writing.

Currently, I'm writing a very detailed blog about Redcliff. Although, it gets kind of difficult at times. There are things that I remember vividly, and there are other things that I are fuzzy. I don't want to remember anything incorrectly, but I don't want to leave anything out either. For example, I can't remember a lot of the staff members names. Even the ones that I had repetedly, they have just seemed to have disapeared. Anyway, enough about that, since there's going to be a whole post dedicated to it :)

By the end of today, I will have worked five days this week, which I normally work four. It's never all that bad and I almost want to be a full time. Almost. I hate working the night shift, and the only way for me to get full time would be to work nights. After Jeanie left here, I was promised morning shifts five days a week, since I was already working five days a week one morning and four nights. I worked mornings for a while, but then Leslie forgot or something and ended up hiring someone who refused to work nights at all as a full time employee. So being a non-fulltime and all, they took away the mornings from me. I complained about it, and I had already scheduled my classes for nights so that the schedule wouldn't need to be changed once I went back to school after summer. Victoria worked out a schedule that was pretty crazy. I was supposed to work Tuesday night, Wednesday morning, Thursday night, and then Friday morning. Two turnaround shifts, which means I wouldn't get home till eleven and would have to turn around and come back at six. Not fun. Then V started working my Thursday nights and I covered the desk in the mornings, that way I only had one turnaround. Tammy still complains that she has to work Wednesday night, but we each have one night shift, Tammy me and V. When school started I had to switch with Pam to work Sunday nights so that I wouldn't lose another shift. Anyway, point is I would love to find a job where I could work Monday through Friday mornings. I can't really see myself leaving this one until after I'm out of school though. There is too much time to do homework that I really don't think I would be able to find anywhere else. Can't complain when you're getting paid to do your homework, right? Well, being the one that has been here the longest, I know the most. So when I get here in the morning, this is typically what my computer looks like:

Crazy huh? I don't mind. I like being able to answer questions, it makes me feel smart :)

I'm excited for the weekend, I get some time to do fun stuff. I need to finish all my homework today so that I don't need to worry about it. I want to go shopping this weekend, but I don't want to spend any more money since my credit card is pretty full and I want to be able to pay it on time. Not that my bill is due any time soon or anything, I just would rather be ahead. In fact, I think I'm going to put some money from my checking in there after I'm done writing this. Plus shopping is a total blast when you find things, but when you don't it's not so great. It's frustrating and puts me in a bad mood even, not usually but it can.

I know that there was something a little more important than all of this, but I can't remember what it was. I'll figure it out eventually.

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