Thursday, September 17, 2009

Day to Day


(He was sleeping like this, but then he woke up because me a Jeff were laughing at him.)
I love my Zuzu.

(And this one is just because I don't have many of Weeny, but she'll sit like this for hours as long as there's no one else around.)
I love her too.

Work and school keep me quite busy, but I do have some down time. It's the kind of time where there's really not much you can do but if you do nothing you feel like it's a waste. So yesterday I decided to take advantage of the day off work and woke up semi-early. I spent some solid time getting ready; put makeup on, put on a cute outfit, did my hair, etc. and then decided to go pick up my camera from my parents. Nobody was home and so I just grabbed my stuff and checked the internet a bit since theirs is faster than mine. I then drove to Tempe Marketplace to go shopping since the last time I was there with family I saw a lot of stuff in the windows that I liked. Sadly, nothing jumped out at me. Shopping alone just isn't for me I guess, I can't sit and look at something long enough to decide if I like it, especially if there is a salesperson talking to me. I get kinda nervous shopping alone, although I don't know why. I guess that's why I like online shopping so much :)

I then went to Taco Bell before heading to school early. I'm behind on all of my drawing assignments so I figured why the heck not if I wasn't going to shop my time away, plus I didn't want to drive all the way home and then back to school in another hour or so.

My teacher got a glimpse of what I was drawing, and this is what she said word for word, "Wow, I guess I should give you more time to work on things huh?" I just looked at her. She's the one who has turned my beginning class into an advanced one, it's not my fault I'm falling behind. I'm not a bad artist, I'm just not experienced. I love drawing, LOVE IT. So it's not like I just give up after five seconds like I do with a lot of other stuff. I work hard until it's perfect and then I work on it some more. However, she expects us to get everything done within an hour, and it just doesn't work that way for me. She told me a couple weeks ago that she didn't think I have what it takes to do art; I'll show her. After all, just because I don't give two hairs what she thinks, that doesn't mean I can't prove her wrong :D I'm in the class to get better, and that's all that I can do.

Anyway, after class I went to my parents to pick up the spare since my phone has been turning on and off a lot. It's not necessarily broken, I just would rather not go without a phone so that can be the new spare.

Dad and I had some random and not so random conversations, as always; Mom and I also talked about hair dye and the frustrations of nail polish. I love it.

Today I worked, and it was a good day. I couldn't concentrate all too well, but I was hyper (from lack of sleep really) and everyone was in a good mood. I bought Starbucks for Martha, Mike, and me. Woohoo for Starbucks, especially when it ends up a lot cheaper when you think it will :]

I have got to say though, sitting for two and a half hours in an Astronomy Lab and then sitting for another two and a half hours for the actual class is not an easy task. The lab seems like it takes forever, since my teacher's version of a lab is to look up answers for packets on Google, so by the time the actual class starts I'm ready to go home. Especially since I work all day before and barely have time for lunch between. But I like staying busy, so there's really nothing to complain about. I did however have to take notes in my email to keep myself awake during lecture haha!

I ended my day with hookah at King Tut's with Natalie. It was so nice to just sit and chat, no drama no shit talking just chatting. She wants to hang out this weekend, so I'm excited.

This is a picture I found of me and Natalie at Homecoming Sophomore Year. I thought it would make a nice ending to today's blog post :)

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