Thursday, September 10, 2009


Last night Jeff and I watched Animal House before bed and then I decided to sleep on the couch with my kitties. Zeus totally made himself comfortable on top of me, Halloween layed on the back of the couch, and Spaz made a homie little bed out of my legs. It was all fine and dandy until around twothirty in the morning at which point I awoke from a nightmare and freaked all of my cats away from me.

The nightmare involved this kid I barely know that is in my art class; his name is Justin and he and I talked on myspace a little before the school sememster began, but not since. Anyway, in my dream I started talking to him and he looked at me and said, "I've already decided I'm done with you." He then tried to kill me. I of course ran away and tried to dial my phone but it was broken. He had left his fancy phone sitting somewhere and I picked it up, but it was missing a battery. I was running through the condos I live at trying to scream but my voice was gone. Eventually I ended up at work where I remembered that there was a vending machiene that had the battery for the phone I had picked up for a cost of two dollars. I ran to the cash drawer and grabbed two dollars in quarters and then took off for the laundry room where the vending machiene was. It was dark in the hotel but the emergency lights were on since I had yet to open the front desk or anything. Then I heard someone coming, it was Justin and I knew it. I couldn't get the quarters to go into the slot because I was trying to jam them all in at once and my hands were shaking like crazy. I glanced over at the door, which in my dream was one of those zig-zag paper doors that slide open and closed. I then turned my attention back to the vending machiene where I was trying to push two quarters in at once. When I looked back at the door, it was closed. I debated for a minute, then figured that Justin knew where I was so I tried to scream a few more times to get help from someone, but again my voice was still gone and I could barely breath. I remember hearing Justin's footsteps but I don't remember the door opening. All I remember is a knife and then I woke up, heart pounding and still have asleep but sweaty and scared. The cats have torn down one of the long blinds over my sliding door, and when my eyes opened I could swear I saw Justin standing outside the window. I was so freaked out for a solid half hour I couldn't go back to sleep, but I couldn't get up and do anything either because my house was dark and still being half asleep I thought Justin could still get me. I started freaking out about having to leave my house before the sun came up for work and yada yada yada...

Yeah, so I had quite the adveturous night.

All day at work I've worked on my art projects. I still don't see how I'm going to get all this work done on time!

Other than that I simply can't wait to go visit family in Vegas again. I want to go soon, but I think it's going to have to wait until Thanksgiving.

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