Sunday, September 27, 2009


Melting Pot on Friday night was awesome. We ended up getting two pots for everything this time instead of our usual one. Which was nice because we got to try some different things this time.

Cheese: Fiesta and... another that I can't remember the name.
I didn't like the Fiesta because it reminded me of Mexican food, which I do not like. The other cheese was okay, but kind of bland. We dipped cellary, colliflower, carrots, green apples, and bread in the cheeses, and we also had chips for the Fiesta bowl.

Main Course:
I don't remember what flavors we got but one was citris of some sort, which was really yummy with the mushrooms and shrimp. We had beef, pork, chicken, brocolli, potatoes, mushrooms, shrimp, and some other stuff. My favorite was the shrimp, but the mushrooms were a close second. The meats weren't as good as they have been in the past, so I was a bit dissapointed with that, but overall it was still delicious.

This, of course, was the best part! Jeffery and Mom wanted the Flaming Turtle and Dad chose the Yin and Yang chocolate. Personally, I love chocolate so I didn't care what we ordered, it would all be yummy. Although, I must admit I was a bit iffy about Dad's choice, but it ended up being the absolute best part of the dinner. It was very yummy with white and dark chocolate :) We had strawberries, bananas, pound cake, brownies, cheesecake, and probably some others that I'm forgetting. Personally, the cheesecake was not good but the brownies were the best. Bananas I would have to say tied for first as well :D


Afterwards, I went over to Andrew's house and hung out with him, Danny, Tony, and a girl that I can never remember her name. It was fun, very chill and laid back. We smoked hookah and they were all facinated with putting dry ice at the base of it to watch it smoke (not IN the hookah, just outside of it of course.)

Saturday, yesterday, was a bit more chaotic. I woke up and did a tiny bit of homework, then had to start getting ready. I swung by Carrie's to pick her up but she wasn't there so I went over to my parents house to get my camera. On my way there, Carrie text me and told me that more people were coming. I told her I didn't have room in my back seat, and she said that she could drive but her car would probably end up breaking down. I really didn't feel like dealing with that, so I asked my parents if I could borrow Mom's car. She let me, and even filled the tank before I went to pick Carrie up again.

After I picked up Carrie and one of her friends, we went to The Mission and had lunch. I thought that we would be doing it as a part of Restaurant Week, but I'm guessing that we were there too early because they didn't even give us the menus for it. It turned out for the better though, because with the three of us we only built up a fifteen dollar bill. That's a lot better than the ninety I was expecting :P Carrie and I shared a Chipotle salad and Steven got mini tacos, Mahi Mahi style.

After lunch we met up with Carrie's friends and were off to the concert. It was further than we thought, and we were getting into Phoenix so we stopped at a gas station for directions. He told us that we still have a long ways to go, so again we got in the car and started driving. Steven started to complain about us going too far, but I told him that I still hadn't seen 99th avenue. Right as he finally convinced me to get off the freeway, we saw what looked like a concert setting, which ended up being the right place so we picked the perfect exit to get off on.

We parked at a nearby Costco and walked about a block to the enterence, after standing in line to get in, they informed me that I couldn't take "a camera with that type of lens in." They told me I could take it off and leave it with them; I told them heck no. So we walked all the way back to the car to put my camera away, which I wasn't too pleased about since I didn't want it sitting in the heat, but I had to deal. I asked Carrie if we should go get water, and she said it would be a good idea. We were very hot and sweaty since it was three in the afternoon and very, very warm outside. We started walking for the Costco, when I realized you have to have a card to get in. So we kept walking toward the Costco gas station, when we realized that there was no convienence store at that one. So we decided to try and see if we could get into Costco just to buy water, after all it was hot and why would they refuse money? The guy at the enterence was very rude about it however, as if I was stupid for even asking. So we walked back to the car so that we could drive to a nearby gas station; my feet were forming blisters by this point, so I wasn't in the best of moods.

Instead, I ended up dropping Carrie and them off at the concert enterence and went by myself to get water for everyone. I was so glad to be in the car with the AC. I passed the Cheveron on the corner and went to the QT down the street so that I wouldn't have to deal with traffic. By the time I got back to the concert it was five in the afternoon, which was fine by me since that's when all the bands I wanted to hear were coming on anyway. Otep was finishing up as I was walking up, which was the first band I wanted to hear. By that point it was cooling off so I was in a much better mood. Plus after getting patted down and searched, I was inside and my shoes were off. I walked barefoot around with Carrie while Steven went into the pit and the others disapeared. Carrie and I decided to sit while I ate ice cream and we just listened to the music. That's where we ended up staying for the whole night, since we accidently picked the perfect spot. We could see both stages and everyone pretty much moved around us.

Carrie got lots of compliments on her tattoo, and then a guy came and sat next to us. The music was loud, so I couldn't really hear anything that we was saying, but Carrie could so I just let them talk. Then a few of that guys friends came over too so we ended up with a circle. Eventually, Danny and his crew came and sat with us too, and then somehow we ended up in a u shape instead of a circle. I still haven't figured out how.

Danny arrived right as a band called Homo started playing. They only played about thirty seconds because they were so bad. It was a metal concert, but they were very bad rap. At first, we thought it was a joke, but apparently it wasn't. After that was Corey Taylor, which is the singer from Slipknot. He had thrown together a band in a kitchen of a party he went to, or at least that was the story. They were not bad at all, but they also were not metal at all. Needless to say people were a bit upset, and a lot of them left. Carrie and all of us left after they got off the stage just to beat the crowd. I kind of wanted to see Sevendust, but it was alright with me.

After I dropped my parents car off and talked with them a bit, I went back to Carrie's and we chilled a bit. Danny and them came over as well, but we all left around one. After that I was exahsted so I just passed out when I got home.

Overall, amazing weekend. Time for work now, blah!

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