Saturday, September 12, 2009

Love Life

Sooo, I'm just a little bit annoyed right now. I typed up a very long blog, and then it got deleted while adding photos. Then, I typed again what I had written to the best of my abilities, and I again accidently deleted it by trying to add more photos. Gr. I'm going to type it ONE MORE TIME. After all, the third time is a charm right? Plus, I'm covering Jeff's shift at Homestead, so I have nothing better to do at the moment.

Last Friday (not last night but last Friday) I hung out with my CareBear. I realized that she is probably one of the best friends that I have ever had, she has never done anything to hurt me. No talking behind my back, no judging, none of that stuff that catty girls do. The only bump in our relationship that I can remember is from when she lived with me; not realizing how much it costs to live on your own, she thought I was ripping her off bill wise. But it still has yet to affect our friendship, and even though we don't hang out very often it's always wonderful when we do. Not to mention a total blast :)

Then last Saturday, I hung out with my parents and went to the ASU game with them. I noticed a few familiar faces on the guard team, and it got me thinking about my sophomore year in high school. I may not have liked the cattiness and the backstabbing of SOME of the girls on the guard team, but I have to admit that I did have a lot of fun with them. Even after I quit guard, Natalie and I stayed friends. We had English together right after lunch first semester, and all I really remember is talking and giggling with her about tiny little happenings. It was fun. Anyway, I decided to message her over Facebook to let her know that I thought her team did well during their performance at the game, and that I think their uniforms are totally cute :) We ended up chatting back and forth over the past few days, and now we have plans to hang out again soon. I'm very excited.

Before working on this blog today, I had read all of Mandy's blog posts. It was really interesting to see how mature and grown up she has become, and makes me proud to say that she was once my best friend. Her good natured-ness (for lack of better words) made me sad to think that we no longer see each other nor do we speak as much as I would like to. I miss her greatly, and reading her posts made me wonder a bunch of what ifs. We never really had a fight or anything that I remember, we simply started on different paths at some point. So that makes me curious as to what would have happened had we not separated.

Aaaand, just because I can't think of any other better place to put it, this is a quote that Mandy had in one of her blogs, "Saying you love someone and not showing it doesn't constitute as love." As soon as I read this quote, I knew that it is perfect. I absolutely adore it <3

Recently, I had been having difficulty with people in general. I'm usually pretty good about having faith and trusting them, but with all of the bad relationships and broken friendships, I didn't know what to think anymore and I started to doubt the good in others. However, Mandy and Natalie have both sparked my interest and made me realize (again) that just because some people aren't what I expected, doesn't mean that there aren't good people out there. They have caused me to strive to better myself even more than I was before.

  • I smile as much as I can.
  • I am always there for those that I care about.
  • I care about everyone.
  • I will never turn away someone in need.
  • I do my best to be my best.
  • I love. Period.
  • I never give up hope.
  • I know that there is always room for change.
  • I forgive very easily.
  • I understand that just because today was awful, that doesn't mean that tomorrow won't be amazing.
  • I let others influence my decisions.
  • I am needy.
  • My emotions get the better of me at times.
  • I can't stay angry ever, even when I should.
  • I dwell on the past a lot.

In other news... I went on a date with a guy named Jeff last night. It wasn't all that bad, but it wasn't great either. Needless to say there won't be another date. He was nice and cute and had a future planned out for himself unlike the other guys that I have dated in the past, but he just wasn't what I want I guess. He talked a lot, mainly about sports. Like I said, it wasn't bad and I didn't really mind because I would rather listen than talk, but at the same time he repeatedly asked if I was nervous because I wasn't talking. It got annoying after the third time or so, since it wasn't even my fault. But it's okay, I had a little bit of fun. I mean, it got me out of the house in the very least. I knew it wouldn't go anywhere anyway. One because I don't think I could date someone seriously with the same name as my brother, but more-so than that he is allergic to cats. I love my babies, and nothing will ever keep me away from them.

I know, no new ones of Weeny. She's just too skittish, not to mention fast for the camera.
I'm not obsessed, only in love <3
Okay, maybe I'm a little obsessed :)

Aaaand, just because I can, here are some random photos :)

I don't think this post would be complete without some family photos.

FYI- this post took me a total of seven plus hours.
Correction. Eight plus hours.
Finally, I'm done.
But only until next time :D


  1. Oh my gosh those pictures are so so old! wow.
    I'm flattered that you read all my posts and liked my quote. :] I really appreciate the little spotlight you gave me!
    Britt, we never had a fight and we didn't stop being friends because I didn't like you or anything. We just went different ways.. made different friends.. what we said would never happen totally happened.
    I wonder the what ifs too.. how can I not?
    I do miss you Britt. I wish everything that happened between everyone in our lives never happened because it's all so complicated now.
    But I'm glad we talk on blog now<3
    I like seeing whats going on in your life.

  2. Haha, you should see some of the others that I have that aren't on my computer. I have some from forth grade even!

    It's sad that friendships always seem to be like that. People that you think you will NEVER part with, eventually you separate from. It's sad, but like you said at least we have the internet :)

    It is all so very complicated, and I have to admit that it is my fault. I wish that I could have seen a bit sooner the mistakes that I was making, but I didn't. Hopefully that just makes it all the easier to prevent it from happening again :)

    I love the internet. Not for the timewasters and games and other fun things out there, but moreso because I feel like I would never even hear from/about certain people without it. Maybe that makes me a stalker, but in all reality I just like to know that the people that are or once were a huge part of my life- like you- are all happy and healthy :)

    I love you Mom, always have and always will. Just like I will always love my sis Hailey too :D
