Sunday, October 18, 2009


The past week has been freaking crazy. Studying for midterms, attending classes, going to work only to deal with issue after issue... I'm getting worn out! I feel a tiny bit better than before my math midterm. She still has yet to post the grade for it though, so the knot between my heart and stomach is still throbbing. I went to go get my nose pierced this week because I just had to do something fun and exciting and I wanted to get it done.

[[I love it ♥]]

Needless to say, Mom and Dad were not too pleased when they saw it on Saturday. I thought they may have reacted a bit differently, but lets just say things went better than what I had hoped.

On Friday I went to work at six in the morning and stayed until four. Carrie got there around two. It was crazy busy and by the end of the night we sold out, but it was Carrie's second day by herself and the night before she had made a few mistakes. Minor mistakes that everyone makes, but that's why I agreed to stay and help her learn a bit more. At six I left to get my hair dyed and cut once again. I asked her for the same exact cut as last time, since I had fallen head over heals in love with it. It's similar, but not as good. I wouldn't keep this hair cut for a second time let's put it that way. The bangs are crooked and the layers aren't as blunt as they were last time. Honestly, I still like this cut I just like the last one better. My bangs will grow quickly and I'll figure something out for the layers. She also didn't strip my hair like she did last time though, so there's blue and purple now. Which is fine by me, but it just isn't as pretty as last time. Like I said, I still like it :)

Anyway, after two hours of sitting in that chair, listening to Joyce jibberjabber on about her own nose ring, I returned to work. I brought a couple of salads and frosties from Wendy's with me since Carrie's throat is soar. Poor girl has to get her tonsils out. Her voice was almost gone, so I took over for a bit while she ate. She was glad that I was there, and honestly I don't think she could have done it alone. It was busy and there were several grumpy ol' men complaining.

Co-Workers once again :)

After work she came over to my parents and I made Daiquiris. I only had one, and she only took a few sips since the alcohol was not helping her throat. We were supposed to go hang out with Danny and Cajin, but Danny fell asleep so she went to hang out with Cajin alone. I was fine with it, since I was tired anyway.

Last night, Saturday, I went to the ASU game with my parents. It was a very intense game, although I had most of my attention on my phone. Danny got in a car accident and totaled his Mercedes. Luckily, there was no other damage done other than a sore back. I ended up going to the hookah bar with him, Andrew, and Tony last night, but we didn't stay long as it was late. We originally went to Urban cafe, but it was closing so we went to King Tuts instead. I thought it was pretty funny because they hate that place with a passion, but it was just across the street from the other.

I went home and planned on going to sleep. Didn't happen. Jeff was already out and snoring and the dog was hyper. Which by the way, my brother found a dog. It's very cute and friendly, but will be too big for our condo so we're trying to figure out what to do with him.

His name is Chewy, as in Chewbaka, not chews everything in the house. But anyway, I took the dog out for potty time, which he had no issues with. He went and slept next to my brother, while I layed away for a while. I didn't actually fall asleep until close to four in the morning. So annoying.

Other than that nothing is really happening.
Work is crazy as heck, I think it's because the fair is in town.
School is still kicking my butt too.
But the weirdest thing I have ever seen is this:

No, he's not going potty.
He's actually laying in the litter box.
I caught him sleeping a couple of times in the one at my parents during the past week, and now the first thing he did when I brought him home this morning was lay down in the cat box.
He's such a weird cat,
but I guess that's why I love him so much.

And just because I'm on the topic of weird sleeping arrangements:

I woke up one morning for work one day, and this is what I walk into the living room to see. The picture does no justice compared to the actual sight, I literally collapsed laughing.
Since the picture doesn't show what's really going on, here it is:
His head is nuzzled into the corner between the arm and back of the couch.
From his waist down, he's hanging off the couch.
And his remote to the video game that is still on is laying next to him.
That's Bubble Butt for you :]

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