Saturday, October 10, 2009


Yesterday while I was at work, a regular guest who always has something to complain about called from his room to inform me about an incident that had happened the previous night. After speaking with him for over twenty minutes, I had the whole story. Victoria had worked Thursday's night shift, and a couple of dogs that are staying in the hotel were running around outside without a leash or even an owner in sight. The regular guest had gone out to run errands or something like that, and the dogs "charged" him; he yelled and they stopped, but then started running right at him again. He got into his car and drove around to the front of the building to speak with staff about it. Victoria told him she would take care of it within the hour. He said that fifty minutes later it was still not handled and when he saw V trying to round up the dogs he said that he wanted to know what kind of dogs they were and why they were in at the hotel since hotels aren't supposed to have pets. For staying here so often, he should know that we are a pet-friendly hotel. But anyway, Victoria told him it was none of his business and that he needed to return to his room. This is why he was telling me; he wanted to not only report the animals but to report the front desk clerk as well. I had told him that my manager would be in at the beginning of the call, thinking that when he said "last night" he meant while Connie was working. However, since it was Victoria that he had the issue with, I had to call Leslie and ask her what to do.

We found out that the dogs belong to the guests staying in room 129. The dogs were "service pets" for emotional problems, but they were pit bull puppies, so I really don't think that is allowed but that is besides the point. The dogs are very, very friendly and would never hurt a fly, but since they breached their contract and the Arizona law of having dogs on a leash, they would need to leave the property.

Mike had left to go to Leslie's other property to help with flooding issues, so I waited for him to return before calling the room and asking for them to come to the front desk. When he got there, I informed him that I was told about the incident from the night prior and that since the contract was breached they would need to vacate. Trust me, he was not pleased at all. His voice rose a bit and he told me that it was already taken care of by Victoria and that I have no authority to kick him out since I'm not a manager and that he needed her to call him immediately as well as the division manager. He then informed me that if I did in fact kick him out I would need to refund him his money and everything. I told him that we would be refunding him the remainder of his rent but not the hundred dollar security deposit due to damage done to the room, and then informed him that Victoria would be in at two thirty but the issue with that was that they needed to vacate by one. By this point he was furious and started screaming asking how long I have been at work and when I told him since six he asked why I waited to give him two hours to get out, I tried to tell him that I was just informed of everything but he wouldn't let me get a word out. Mike had to calm him down and I told him I would call Victoria's boss and have her give him a call. He returned to his room, but then called me shortly after I got off the phone with Leslie threatening to call the police on me and that he would have my job for this; I told him he was welcome to call the police if he thought that I was being threatening to him.

I had a couple other interactions with them before the police arrived, but Mike was there to keep calming them down.

It took a while for Leslie to get the chance to call since she was working the front desk at Crossland, but when she did she agreed to let them stay since they were getting rid of the dogs by five p.m.. When the police arrived, Dan was in a completely different mood and the police were sent off as everything had been settled. Personally, I was upset that they were allowed to stay after all of that.

Today, when I got into work Victoria, Mike, and Tammy were all talking behind the desk. Mike and V were out of uniform since they weren't supposed to be here on a Saturday, so I asked what was going on. Nobody said anything. After a while, I found out that they hadn't gotten rid of the dogs and that when Tammy tried to kick them out this morning they had thrown a phone and an Iron at her, plus they had broken the front door when storming out. Both guests left and when Victoria arrived she locked them out of their room and Mike was there for protection. Apparently, Shawn and Dan were told that they were to return before five to get their things, and they would not be receiving a refund due to damage, they threatened to damage Victoria's vehicle in response and then said that they would be bringing a police escort with them for protection when they got here. Victoria said that would be fine.

So V prepared me on what to say and what to tell Connie to do tonight if they did happen to arrive after five when she was gone. By the time I was finished taking my notes and everything, Dan had shown up at the desk with a smile on his face. Victoria asked him if he had the police with him, and he said no. She told him to hang on for just a moment while she called the police so that he could get all of his things. He blew up at this and said that she shouldn't bother he would do it himself, but when he picked up his phone it looked like he was going to throw it at her so she picked up the desk phone and dialed 911. While he was talking to the police, he was making side threats toward V saying that he was going to slap her and such, so obviously she wasn't worried about his threats toward her job. He then called the news station, but obviously this wasn't a story they were interested in.

After getting off the phone with the operator, V called Leslie who told her to ask that he left the property until the police arrived. Again, he wasn't happy about this but his mom was there so she convinced him to calm down and walk outside. Eventually, they did drive off somewhere.

Once the officer arrived, it was only a few minutes after Victoria had explained the situation that Dan came back inside. His attitude of course had changed completely, he was respectful and very polite. The officer was not. He told Dan that they had twenty minutes to gather his stuff, and then that was it. Victoria and Mike stayed all the way up until everyone from the ordeal was gone, and then Mike said that if I couldn't get a hold of anyone if and more drama happened, to call him and he will be here.

While Shawn and Dan were getting their things, Mike started talking to V about something he had heard at Homestead yesterday. Apparently, Leslie is being transfered away from our hotel to work at her current Crossland location and another west location. That meant that Christine would be our AOM again, and Mike was not happy; neither was I. V then told us that it wasn't set in stone yet which is why she didn't say anything but there is a high chance that it will happen. Victoria will go to Leslie's other current property and we will get a new manager named Dana. So not only would we be losing Leslie who I think is one of the best bosses in the world, but we would also be losing V, who I like a lot. Plus, Mike refuses to work with Christine, so Victoria is going to tell Leslie to get a transfer for him since they need a maintenance person over at Crossland as well.

There are two reasons why I work here: my fellow staff members and the homework time. I told V that I don't want to work with Christine but that I would stick it out for a while and see. I could transfer to the Crossland but it has a lot of hookers that check in all the time so there tends to be a lot of police activity there. They do have full time security at that location, but honestly I would rather not have to deal with it. I don't do well with confrontation, I almost lost my pizza while trying to deal with everything that happened today I couldn't imagine having to do it on a daily basis. I really would like to continue working with Leslie and V though, and Mike too. I don't know. I really wouldn't mind working there in the morning, I just know that I would end up with some night shifts and I don't feel like that would be very opportunistic to me. Plus it's far. I don't like driving more than five minutes to work, I've never had to do it and I don't ever plan on doing so.

It's so disappointing to learn that I could be losing the entire staff here. I mean, once Christine moves over here Cindy will want to transfer, and Martha will try to find another job. I don't want to work with Christine either, V says she isn't going to be here often, but she doesn't like me and she has vocalized that to several members of her staff. Why would I work for such a person? Plus she's a gossip queen. Ew. I don't like being in a team enviroment that has backstabbing and gossip, which is exactly what was here when she was the boss and is what will be here when she returns. I don't understand why the company has to keep moving managers around. I don't like it!

I guess I really should have taken the Starbucks job. I mean, I'll try to work for Christine, I am moving in a year anyway and it would be nice to have another job for two years on my resume. I just like how things are as of now and don't really want them to change.

I'm trying to plan something fun and exciting to do this week, but I can't think of anything. I'm so sick of the classes that I'm taking already. Astronomy is all about degrees and angles and I have the feeling that I am going to fail my business class due to the fact that all she does is talk about the news and there is only one assignment/test: the final. I don't do well in those classes. Psychology I think I'm actually doing pretty well in since it's online. I'm done with my assignments so far, I just wish I could work ahead like I can in most of my classes. Math is going just fine as well, I have to study for my midterm, but she gave us a hundred problems as an assignment to help with that so I'm glad. I'm going to work on that when I'm done ranting and raving on here :D

I need a makeover, but I don't know what to do. I'm getting my hair done on Friday so it's going to be black and blue with the same haircut as last time. I could go more drastic, but I like my long hair, and I loved that hair cut so I don't see why I would. I like my clothes, but I'm always wearing my work uniform it seems like, although really that's only four or five times a week and I usually change out of the shirt between work and school. I still feel like I am always wearing it.

I think that I am going to start looking for another job just in case. I really don't want to work weekends, but I guess it's just a sacrifice I'm going to have to make. Hopefully I'll find a job that will perhaps let me off around nine at night. That's the latest that I want to work on weekends, then I wouldn't mind. Go in around noon, get off around nineish... that sounds good :) I can't wait till I make my own schedule. But I think my top priority for finding a job this time would have to be people. I can't stand working alone! I still want a career in customer service of some sort as well. V said that if I'm serious about leaving she can talk to her friend that is a sue chef at a restaurant inside of a hotel and get me a hostess job. So that will be an option to think about. I also would like a job that lets me dress nicely but not in uniform. I would love to be able to wear pretty dresses to work and stuff like that, I just have no idea where I could do such a thing and still work with customers. I also need to think about the fact that I will be moving in a year. Do I really want to get settled at another job and just get up and move? Not really. But maybe if I work for another corporation I could get a transfer or something.

There is so much more that I could write about, but I guess it's time for homework. Hopefully I'll figure something out for all of the thoughts racing through my head. Too much to think about, not enough solutions!

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