Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Stressing Hard

So I redid my grades and figured out that my math was off, which makes me feel a little better. I do have a D in my math class, but I spoke with my teacher and she says that as long as I get a C on the midterm and continue to do my homework, I have a pretty good chance of passing :) My astronomy grade is only based on the questions that have been graded, so all of the ones that haven't are zeros when in reality my professor told me that I actually get a lot of mine right so after calculating all of the in class assignments I've done, he estimated that I have an A in that class. My Psychology class I'm still a bit iffy about, but I'm pretty sure that I really do have a high C in that class and I'm pretty confident that I can raise it up to a B by the end of the semester. We'll see. Tests scare me.

Other than that I am completely stressed out and I don't know why. My homework is sucking the life out of me and all the tests are causing me to freak out at random points of the day; I'll wake up in the middle of the night from dead sleep scared to death that I'm going to fail. I think about school so frequently that it has even started to affect my work. It doesn't help that Victoria has been covering a lot of night shifts so she's not around when I need her; it makes all of the things that are usually sorta, kinda, maybe stressful to having me full-blown, near-tears stressing out. Luckily there haven't been many complaints as of late, and a lot of the guests here love me. I get several good reviews on the surveys that are turned in on a daily basis.

I've been studying nonstop for this stupid math midterm for days now. Which of course I have to miss the majority of my art class to take, but whatever. I think that is part of what is stressing me out. If I study so much and try so hard, then what happens when I still don't pass? It worries me. I'm so scared to fail not because I'm going to use x over y minus four times seventy ever in my life, but because if I can't pass this class then I can't graduate. If I can't graduate then I will never have my degree. If I don't have my degree I will never be successful like I have always planned. I just feel stupid lately, literally. I feel like I'm not as smart as I've always thought and that maybe college isn't for me. I don't want that to be true because I would love to get several degrees it's always been my goal. I just need to figure all of this out.

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