Thursday, October 1, 2009

Stressed out!

School is a total ball of stress. I cannot stand how every teacher decides to do everything all at once, it drives me nuts! Two weeks of nothing, then a week of studying until four am for a test I didn't even know I had until the night before. My math grade is slowly slipping, and I have emailed my instructor a few times. No reply. I tried another email account, still no reply. I'm just trying to find time to get ahead again, and then everything will be just fine.

The worst part of everything is that my work has decided to throw me for a pretty major loop. Apparently one of my coworkers can't stand eight hours of not being horny, so she was looking up inappropriate sites on the work computer. Now we can't get on the internet except for the sites that are directly linked to our company and Google Maps. Not a big deal, right? WRONG! I can no longer do homework at work; I guess I should have taken the Starbucks position I was offered on Monday after all :(

Today, I brought my laptop in to try to catch up on everything, but technically when I was hired I signed a contract that said I wouldn't have a laptop on property. Hopefully, Victoria won't give a crap. She knows how important school is to me; I'm always discussing it with her and ranting and raving about it.

Okay, now that my little rant is over, I can officially sign up for my Winter Intersession and Spring semester classes. I'm totally freaked out because I am going to sign up for seven classes, but every one of them is interesting to me, unlike this semester. Hopefully, I can do as I plan, because as is right now if I sign up for the classes I want, I will only have one more math class to take during June and then I will have my associates degree. Woo!

Winter Intersession:
  • English217 Personal and Exploratory Writing (Online)
  • HUM292 The Art of Storytelling (Monday and Wednesday nights)
  • BIO160 Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology (Thursday midday)
  • ECN212 Micro Economics (Online)
  • CIS133DA Internet and Web Development (Tuesday nights)
  • MGT253 Owning and Operating a Small Business (Online)
  • MAT151 College Algebra/Functions (Online)
  • ENG210 Creative Writing (Online)
So, like I said I'm nervous, but kind of excited too. It would be nice to finally have a degree, even if only the associates. For my bachelors, as of right now, I'm leaning toward going to UNLV. I've pretty much given up on FIDM, and the only reason I would go to Parsons would be for the simple fact that it's located in New York. I'm still okay with ASU though, but I feel that if I don't move away for college I may not ever move out of state. I love Arizona, but I don't want to live in one place my whole life. I think I want to move away for a few years, and then once I start a family I'd like to move back. I think. I haven't quite thought that theory all the way through yet.

Zuzu is such a jerk. I was relaxing between homework assignments, petting him while watching tv, and he bit my face!
He's still my babyboy though ♥

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