Friday, October 23, 2009

The Tyra Show

Every once in a great while, I get bored and go to the website for The Tyra Show and glance through the topics that they are trying to get people for. One of them popped out at me a little while ago and I thought to myself, 'What the heck, why not?' And I told them my story. The topic they are doing is about relationships and friendships that have been broken by a diary or journal. I didn't really think anything of it, I was just bored and it gave me something to do for a couple minutes. But then this morning I got a phone call from a four diget number. When I picked up the phone, a lady told me that her name was Alli and she was calling from Tyra. At first I didn't understand and just said okay thinking that it was a sales call of some sort, but then she asked for me to go into further detail about my story. When I did, she said that they would be interested in flying me and Alaina out to New York to be on the show. I don't think it will happen, but it was an interesting event for this morning.

Other than that work has been pretty uneventful today. I'm ready to go home, but Victoria wants me to stay late and help Carrie again. She says that Carrie is worse than Pam and that she wants to fire her, but I so disagree. I understand that Carrie has made three big mistakes since she's been here, but she was only trained for three days and she has only been here for two weeks. Give her a break! I made way more mistakes when I first started, and I was trained for at least five days. This company has crap for employees because they don't take the time to actually train anyone so then they make mistakes and get fired or just kinda learn the swing of things and do a crappy job. I feel like the only reason I do well at all is because I was trained for a longer period and Jeanie took the time to explain every little teeny tiny detail of what I did wrong. I don't know, I'm just frustrated I guess.

A guest just came down and basically told me I don't know how to do my job. It surprised me because she is a guest that normally is very sweet. I wouldn't take her check though, which our company says that we don't allow it. However, in the lease apparently it says that cashier checks are accepted. I called Victoria and ended up accepting it, but she even told Mike to tell me that I need to take it because it's valid. By that point I had already put it into the computer and printed her a reciept. She informed me that I need to learn the methods of pay that we take, but I do know them. Our company totally contradicts itself all the time. Ohhh! I am so not happy at the moment.

To top things off Victoria obviously doesn't like the way that I've trained Carrie, and yet again I'm the one staying late to give more training. What? Why don't YOU stay and train her. You are the manager, and you are the one who is having issues with how Carrie is doing things. Personally, I don't. I think she's doing a pretty good job actually. Yes, she has made some mistakes and a couple have been pretty stupid, but she's new and you can't judge her based on things she doesn't know yet.

Natalie invited me to a party tomorrow night, so at least I have something fun planned for the weekend. I really want to go the the Wet-N'-Wild fright night thing or whatever it's called. I love Halloween :)

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