Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Today is Carrie's 20th birthday, but she had to train at work tonight so I brought her an ice cream cake and flowers, as well as popcorn and cherries. I could not find candles for the life of me though, so we used Tammy's lighter as a candle :D I lit it by the cake and had Carebear make a birthday wish. People can tell Carrie is one of my friends, they say that we act similar, so a lot of the guests that have been there a bit longer refer to her as "Brittney's friend." I think it's humorous, her not so much. Just goes to show I've been there for a while. Anyway, one of my favorite guests, bought pizza for her and then told me that he's leaving tomorrow :( Sad. Carrie had already ordered wings and a salad, so we had a pretty big dinner to share between the three of us!

When I walked into the Fry's to buy her cake and everything, a guy told me to come sign up for a chance to win a $500 Fry's gift card. How on earth could I pass something like that up? He told me they wouldn't be doing any phone calls or anything to sell stuff, but then after I put my ticket in the jar with my name and number on it, he started asking me all kinds of questions about the news paper. He told me all sorts of deals and how this would be a mistake to pass up and yada yada yada... before I could tell him I wasn't interested, he had my address and everything written down on a slip of paper and he was asking for my credit card number. I told him that I wasn't interested, and he got upset for me "playin' with [him] like dat." Seriously? Learn some grammar and don't try to sell a nineteen year old college student the newspaper. I prefer the internet k thanks!

As of right now I'm sitting in my parents kitchen, about ready to go downstairs and watch a little America's Next Top Model before bed, and Zeus and Spaz are wandering around the kitchen counters. Weeny still has yet to venture out of the bedroom, staying either close to the food bowl or in the corner of the closet. I must admit though, she is much less skittish than she used to be. Mattie seems to be okay right now. A little while ago I went and pet her for a solid five minutes; she came out from under the bed on her own and although she was hissing every so often I don't think it was at me because she kept "talking" as well.

Other than that I went into a Spirit store today since I don't think I'm going to have time to make my Halloween costume this year (:() but it was so pathetic! The store was large, but all the stuff was spread out so that it looked packed full of goodies. However, the stuff that they were selling wasn't even of good quality, and the prices were outrageous. It was so pathetic! I do need to find a costume though. I really want to be the Queen of Hearts, but we'll see; I don't really like the pre-made costumes of her so I would have to do that one from scratch and like I said, I don't really have the time. I'll figure something out :D

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