Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Today, work dragged on...
and on...
and on...

Victoria brought a beautiful orange and white tabby to my hotel so that I could take it to Carrie's for the weekend since I'm going to be in Vegas. The kitty was abandoned at Crossland and had nowhere to go but the pound as all of the no kill shelters are currently full. I couldn't let her be put down, so I agreed to take her until a better suited home came along or an opening appeared in a shelter. I know that people don't believe me when I say it, but I really don't want another cat. My condo is just too small and I'm happy with the babies that I have.

I found a home for it on a farm, but then that person backed out. I was kinda sorta hoping I could talk Carrie into keeping it after the weekend, hoping that she would get attached. When I went over to drop the cat off, she asked if I was going to keep it. I told her no, and she immediately asked if she could have her; she has no idea how ecstatic that made me! So the cat has a wonderful forever home with Carrie who happens to have two outdoor kitties at the house she's currently living in and is also going to take care of Lucious for Leigha as of today since she can't keep him at her apartment in California. Yay.

As soon as I'm done with this blog entry, I'm going to finish sending everything to Jessica at UNLV so that I can have a chance at being accepted. Victoria wrote a spectacular reference for me; it made me tear up that she thinks so well of me! I've always known that I'm great at customer service, but other than that I feel like a pretty average employee. Victoria explained me to be well over above and beyond... and it feels amazing.

I'm not getting along so great with the new manager, but I'm working on it. I have the next four days off, so I'm not even going to think about it right now :)

Time to finish getting ready to leave at six tomorrow morning for the long drive to Vegas. I'm so excited!

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