Monday, November 16, 2009

UNLV Weekend

My weekend went well, the UNLV tour went about as I planned. I knew I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up about the GPA thing, but in the back of my head I was hoping that they would look right past it. I can't explain my disappointment when she made a face at my 2.1. BUT! There is an appeal process that I can try and I'm pretty sure she's going to help me get in. I have to get two recomendations; I'll get one from Victoria (I just have to figure out when I'll get the chance to see her) and then I have to figure out a teacher that will do one for me. I have a couple of high school teachers that I know would help me out, but I'm trying to figure out a college one that would be suitable. I just haven't gotten all that close with any of my proffessors for them to write something about me. I also have to write an apeal and she told me to make it as sappy as possible. I'm not sure what I'm going to write about yet, although I have a couple ideas. I just don't know how much information I want to give, and I hate making excuses, which is pretty much what the whole thing will be. One big long excuse. Blah.

I did get to see a lot of people on Saturday, it made me happy :)

I'm pretty set on going to Vegas once summer starts, the only issue is where I'm going to live. Mom was talking to Gma about having me sign a mortgage with my parents co-signing; this is my personal favorite option, but with my age and lack of credit, it may not be possible. There's also the option of my parents buying a house and me renting from them, which is pretty much what I'm doing now. Mom has talked about getting another condo, which probably would be a good choice. I'm being stubborn about getting a house though, I just want more space. Not really for my stuff, but for people I guess. I mean, with one person in my current condo, it's a fine place to live. But when I have people over and having my brother live with me it just gets a bit small. Plus I think it's exciting to own a home, plus I have fun managing my money and figuring out bills, so I think it would be entertaining to own a home. The last option would be to live on campus in a dorm, but I just can't do it. I would love to meet the people and have a roommate to make friends with, but there's no pets allowed. I don't think anyone can understand what it would do to me to leave my cats somewhere. I just couldn't do it; it'd be like leaving my children! I miss them when I'm gone for a day, a semester or two would literally kill me.

I have to admit, I'm petrified. I'm having such a hard time making friends here, what's going to happen when I move? I mean, I know that I don't really have any close friends here anyway, so why not move? Right? I'm almost tempted to get together with the UNLV program that helps you find a roommate, but that scares me too. What if we don't get along? What if they start stealing stuff? What if they don't pay rent? What if, what if, what if...? I just don't know what to do.

Jeffrey is still pretty adamant about going to Vegas with me. He has to find a job first, but he really doesn't want to stay here anymore than I do. It'd be nice to not have to worry about finding a roommate, but at the same time I kinda want to live with a girl for a while. Maybe I just miss having a best friend, I don't really know.

On the topic of UNLV, the campus is awesome. I love the gym and the dining hall; they have just about everything. The campus reminded me of MCC, although I think that MCC has a prettier campus because it has grass whereas UNLV doesn't. It would definitely be nice to have a gym to workout in without having to worry about paying for all the fees, and we got to have lunch in the dining hall and the food isn't bad at all. Plus soft-serve ice cream; I might get myself into trouble with that :P

The Extended Stay Deluxe is literally around the corner of the school, which Christine said she could get me a job there. I wasn't really planning on staying with the company, but a job is a job. Plus, if I have ONE paycheck proving that I'm a forty hour employee in Vegas, I get in state tuition automatically. Sweet!

Other than that, I didn't do much this weekend. I went to work to clean rooms for a couple of hours and then I went shopping with my mom for a curling iron. I also made some delish spagehtti for Mom and Dad, but that's about it. I'm hoping this upcoming weekend will be a bit more exciting.

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