Tuesday, November 24, 2009

New Management

I am so NOT excited for work tomorrow.

I met my new boss today:
she's from Egypt
she's older

She seems intelligent,
but barely speaks English.
I can't really understand what she says
and she had to have me take the phone
several times
because the guests couldn't hear past her thick accent.

I am going to have to figure out
who I can report her to.
I don't understand how she got hired
with that strong body odor.
I don't want to be mean,
but I was gagging standing next to her.
I can't stay in an office
all day
four-five days a week
with someone that makes me sick to my stomach.

I honestly can say we will get along
just fine.
She's a bit of a snob,
so she only talks to managers.
Which I'm not.
But, that's okay.
It just means I get to do my work
in peace.
I have to admit,
I was offended when meeting her this morning:
She came in,
I introduced myself,
"Good morning, my name is Brittney.
How are you?"
and I extended my hand.
She looked at my hand
as if it were the plague,
said hello,
and then walked right past me.


I haven't gotten a good look
at her customer service skills yet.
she is very strict about housekeeping.
Poor Michaun
was in a room for 2 hours today
Lailya went in
and told Christine it wasn't clean
and all of the things that Michaun "missed."
The person that checked out of that room
was in house for over 7 months
with no housekeeping.
It's going to take a couple of
to clean that room.

Christine says that she's training Lailya
to be strict.
Lailya will loosen up
after getting her bearings.
I kind of doubt it
as she seems like one of those people
set in her ways.

I'm not too fond of working with her and Christine
but it's only for a little while longer.
After tomorrow,
I'm off for four days.
Then I work five days next week
with no management
and somehow I was volunteered
to work at Homestead on Monday morning.
I don't like opening there
without someone to help me
I haven't really been trained properly for it.
But it's just one day.

It looks like I'm working
over winter break.
As of now, I know that I work
Christmas Eve
and Christmas night.
I told Christine I'm taking
an accelerated math class
during that time
and need to be able to study.
She glared at me!
If I get too overstressed,
I told her I would have to request
a four day week.
I'm not a forty hour employee,
you can't make me work five days!!!
But as of now,
I am working all forty hour weeks
during the month of December.

I'm starting to think
that working a forty hour job
when I move to Vegas
may be an awful decision.
I don't think I can handle
forty hours
every week
plus full time school.
Maybe I could just do it for the summer?
We'll see.

[[Eventually, everything will be okay.]]

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