Friday, November 6, 2009

Nothing New

For the past few days,
I've been trying to come up with something to blog about.
But sadly, my mind draws a blank.
And yet, I can't help myself.

Work is still a spiraling mess, and school still causes a ton of stress. (Haha, look I rhymed!) I am noticing that the school semester is traveling at the speed of light; I just finished my last midterm on Monday, and I'm already freaking out about finals. I'm proud of the drawings that I'm working on for art class, but there are so many still left to do before the semester is over I think I'm going to have to spend my Thanksgiving break working on them. My math teacher has officially dropped me from her class, but I was successful in signing up for the winter intersession course during Christmas break so I'll be caught up before spring. I'm hoping that since it's such a fast class (1 month) there won't be an in-person final. Psychology is going decently, I'm pretty sure I still have a solid C in that class, although I can never be sure with the stupid curves. Astronomy is going well too, and my teacher is pretty good at explaining everything and making sure that we're ready for tests and such.

I applied for a position at the Hyatt in Scottsdale this week via the internet, I'm planning on going in on Monday to apply in person as well. Christine and I had a nice little chat yesterday though about my hours and such; she's trying to give me more and told me that she would be speaking with Tammy about hers since she's so stubborn about not working different shifts. (She's angry this week because she has to work six days in a row.) When I told Christine that if the position ever opens up for a forty hour employee that I would take it as a lead, she asked why Victoria didn't do that instead of hiring Tammy. I told her that wires got crossed between V and Leslie. I also talked to Christine about my transition to Vegas in a year, which I had been holding off on since it's so far away; she told me that she knows the manager at the delux location there and she thinks she can get me hired as a lead at least, if not as a manager.

I must say, I'm a bit confused as to why people don't like me at first but then once they get to know me it's a completely different story. Christine really likes me now, there are guests that used to refuse to talk to me and only wanted to talk to management, and now they'll only talk to me, my art teacher couldn't stand me at the beginning of the semester and now that she sees my progress she seems to be a bit less harsh... I just don't get it. Do I come off as a bad person or something?

Tomorrow I want to go over to Mom and Dad's to pay rent and maybe do some grocery shopping before going in to work at 2:30. Then on Sunday Mom is coming over to help Jeffrey and I do some deep cleaning before he has to go to work. Since I have Monday off of school and work, I almost want to take a trip somewhere close on Sunday and come back Tuesday morning for photography or something; the only problem is that I have no one that will be able to go with me :[

So, although I really have nothing to say, I actually came out with a decent lengthened blog. Kind of sad when I think about it, but hey, I love to write :)

[[Life is good.]]

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