Saturday, November 28, 2009

Holiday Weekend

I was hoping to have lots of pictures to post for Thanksgiving and Black Friday, but sadly my brother forgot my camera. I'm not so sure I'll be letting him borrow it again any time soon, it always dissapears for a few days when I do...

Anyway, the weekend has been a total blast so far. We woke up a bit later than expected on Wednesday morning, but still got to Vegas at around eleven in the morning. The car ride was easy, I wasn't tired in the least but I got in a comfortable enough position where I ended up sleeping for the first four hours of the trip: from Jeff and I's house, all the way to Kingman. The traffic was minimal, so it only took another hour to get to Gma's.

We headed over to Jessie's for Thanksgiving dinner, but forgot to bring drinks, so Mom and I ran to a nearby 7 eleven. When we were getting in the car, we debated on getting ice but figured that we wouldn't need it. In fact, we ended up turning back around when we got to Jessica's so that we could go get the ice. Overall, everyone was in a good mood so nothing really bothered me the entire night. The kids were having fun in the back yard, Mason was pushing his sister's pink stroler and princess car around with a huge smile on his face. It was adorable.

When someone mentioned that dinner was ready, there was an obvious pattern that formed. I wish I had a picture of it, but all the guys were up and ready in line to eat, piling their plates high with turkey, ham, potatos, jello, apple sauce, corn, green bean caserole, and all kinds of other things. There was only one girl in line, which was Tabby, but she was pretty much hidden by the guys.

Mason was the first kid to have his plate and start eating, then I helped Madeline get hers. She was so funny, I would ask her if she wanted something, and for most of it she said yes. I asked her if she wanted apple sauce and she said no; after she was sitting down her dad asked her and she jumped out of her seat and said yes. I couldn't help but laugh.

My favorite food though had to be the potatoes, which surpised me because I don't like potatoes. Jessie told me she put garlic in them; the were delicious :)

Everyone had been munching generously on the desserts since the beginning of the night, but once the cake was out that Tabby made, Thor was there in a flash. He definitely has a sweet tooth :P

We played Wii games for a while, and Madeline stood on the table while shaking the remote vigorously. She won several of the games that she played, and it was just as much fun to watch her as it was for her to play. Ian helped her learn how to do everything, and even helped her when she needed it; sometimes she told him, "I can do it!" and he would let her do it. After the kids were bored, they would hand off their remote and someone would take their place. We were playing a shooting game, and I got a bit too compettitive with my dad, but it was all in good fun :) He kicked my butt.

The next morning was Black Friday; Gma, Mom and I woke up at four and then went to pick up Jessie. We met Lisa at Target and started to walk in. The line was just starting to enter, but by the time we walked from the car to the door there were three groups of bachelors walking out with big screen TVs. We were shocked at how fast they managed, but I guess that's what Black Friday is all about :)

The crowds were nowhere near as bad as I expected, people were polite and nobody bumped into me, snatched anything I was looking at, or was rude in any way. I was pleasently surprised. We ended up making things a bit complicated for the cashiers as we only wanted to ring up $100 at a time so we could get the $10 gift cards. Hey, every penny counts!

After Target we went to Kohl's. I was excited to find several articles of clothing for rather cheap prices. Mom let me shop by myself here; I was sad that I didn't see any shoes that popped out at me, but I got a couple of jackets that I'm in love with and some much needed winter clothes. I do need a pair of boots now though :/ I'm looking for a pair I found online, but I can't find them in person to try on. The have a wedge heal with a fuzzy rim and lace up with two fluffy balls at the end of the strings. I think they're adorable, and would look great with a dress and leggings.

Anyway, by this time we had been shopping for about three hours I think and our stomachs were growling. It did take a while to check out, but we managed to get out and go to a breakfast place nearby where we chatted about Gpa's birthday and a present we got him for Christmas. Dad text Mom and said something like "How's everything going? Are you finding anything? Do we need to come pick up Brittney yet?" I couldn't help but laugh. I'm not a shopper really, and Dad knows that. I had fun though, but I must admit that when I had to go back to Kohl's later in the day to exchange a couple of items, I wasn't pleased. I was done shopping for the day, and the crowds were worse at this one.

Just before we went to Kohl's, we went to "Whitney" Nevada (it's Las Vegas, but LV is seperated into little sections or something, haven't quite figured it out) to look at some houses I had found online. I like the area a lot, even though it's right by the UNLV stadium. We couldn't look at two of the houses because they were in a gated community, but I think once it gets closer to time to move, we may end up going in there. I keep finding more and more houses in that neighborhood that I like. Mom and Dad are still trying to ease me into the idea of a condo, which when Mom told me that it would be one that has both stories instead of like the one I have now, I started to warm up to the idea a bit more. I still want a house though.

The family came over for Gpa's birthday and we ate more food. Again Thor jumped on the dessert. After everyone including my parents were gone and home, Jeff and I went out to the strip to meet Brian. Jeffrey kept turning down the wrong streets and it ended up taking us an hour plus to get there, but we had fun once we did. We ate Panda Express and walked around, nothing exciting but better than sitting at home doing nothing.

Now I'm just sitting in Gma's kitchen trying to catch up with the day. I woke up at ninethirty, but ended up falling back asleep until noon. I wasn't too happy, but there's still time to get things done. Gma put a pizza in the oven for me, and after that I think we're going to go buy some seasalt water for my nose piercing and spray for my artwork. We're going to go look at some houses over by Lisa's too.

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