Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Things to Do

I have felt so overwhelmed.

Art homework,
astronomy tests,
psychology assignments,
new management at work,
more tasks,
lack of sleep,
being used by those I thought were friends.

I feel so lost.

To help manage my life better,
I figured I would make a list of things to do.

1.) Art Homework
  • Egg Project
  • Four "thumbnails"
  • Detailed, larger drawings of thumbnails
  • Retouches of already turned in projects for better grades
2.) Astronomy
  • Chapter 10 Homework
  • Study for quiz tomorrow
  • Last current event article evaluation
3.) Psychology
  • Discussion board
  • Assignment
  • Read chapters
  • Extra credit study test
  • Test
4.) Work
  • Figure out how to get on Christine's "good side"
  • Wednesday, Thursday morning, Friday, Saturday night
  • Learn all the new information, perform everything TO THE T!
5.) Spare Time
  • First, find where spare time ran off and hid to...
  • Get a mani/pedi
  • Find time to read fun books
  • Shop for winter clothes (can't find mine D:)
6.) CLEAN!
  • Laundry
  • Trash
  • Kitchen/Bathroom
  • Vacuum (Buy new vacuum?)
  • Re-organize bedroom
Hopefully, I'll stop stressing over the stupid little things.
I feel like pressing pause,
but instead it seems that my life goes "fast forward" every time that I try.
I just need to get my life organized,
but it seems to be easier said than done.

I love that I'm taking art class.
I hate that I can't find the courage to talk to my classmates.
I love that I've been at my job for over a year.
I hate that I feel like a newb because of all the changes.
I love that going to school is giving me a future.
I hate that I can't stop worrying about my future.

I love my life.

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