Monday, December 14, 2009

Cat Obsessed

My parents are going to laugh when they hear this, but I'm actually kind of proud of it :) I noticed that a lot of people post adds on Craigslist without first looking to see if anyone wants or is getting rid of what they want. So, I've gone through and matched them up. For instance, someone was looking for a white kitten 8-12 weeks old; I found one by typing in "white kitten" that was seven weeks and would be ready for a forever home in a couple of days. Now, that person is the proud parent of the white kitty and its brother. After doing this for a couple of people on Craigslist, I posted an add to let people know that if they were looking for soemthing specific I would try to help them out. So far I've found seven kitties a home :) Some people are looking for purebreads and don't care how much it costs or anything, so I've even found a Siamese and a B... something a cat through an adoption agency. It's a fun break during stuy time, and it makes me feel better because even though I can't give the cats a home myself, they still get to go to a home.

There is a lady on Craigslist that also posted about the cats and kittens she's getting rid of. She has seven cats of her own and five foster children. Still, she has over twenty foster kitties living with her. Six are too young to go to a home yet, but the rest are able and willing. I think it's impressive that she has the time and space and love to take care of all those cats! It also makes me feel better because I know that I'm NOT a crazy cat lady. Three cats isn't a lot :P


  1. I litereally went "Awww" when I saw this! That is SO sweet of you!!!

  2. Haha thanks hon.

    BTW, I've tried commenting on your posts, but it doesn't let me. I click the "post comment" link, but nothing happens :/

