Tuesday, December 1, 2009


I just read an article on Yahoo! that at first I was like, "How rediculous!" But then, after reading a bit, it actually made a lot of sense. The article was about making it illegal to divorce in California. Although I myself don't believe in divorce, I understand that people do grow apart and, to me, it seems better to divorce then suffer through life. Life is what you make it, and if you keep dragging yourself down by staying with someone you can't stand... well... I just don't like it.
Anyway, after reading a little I started to understand why people were agreeing. The petition is supposed to prove a point about the ban on gay marriage. If those who voted against gays marring were really only doing so to protect the sanctity of marriage, then they should be all for not allowing divorce, right? "Till death do us part" after all.
And yet, one person in the article says that by banning gay marriage it was only to protect the "one man-one woman" aspect of it, nothing more nothing less. I say bull.
I could go on and on about this... but I probably shouldn't. Just thought it was interesting enough to share :)


  1. I lovee this post.
    It's so funny, and I like the point the article was bringing about. I also appreciated the sarcasm :)

  2. Haha, yeah, I love things like this. People fascinate me, in good and bad ways! If I could, I would simply study people all day every day.
