Saturday, December 12, 2009


I'm working on my life goals post still, but it's not going in the direction that I thought it would. I just wanted a detailed list, but somehow it's turned into something a bit... far fetched? Not really, but I don't know how to put it into words. Eventually, it will be up and available for all to see so it doesn't really matter right now.

I took my test this morning and it went okay. I'm not going to lie, I thought I would do better. We'll see how it goes when the results come back. The science threw me off the most, but what frustrated me was that I'm a good reader, but I didn't get the chance to finish either of the reading portions because of the time limit. I guess that's kinda why I can't stand tests.

I did realize something today though, the more I try to concentrate on something, especially something important, the further off my mind wanders. The test was at Mountain View, so as I was reading the passage for part three, I caught myself thinking about sophmore and junior year. I also caught myself playing with a divit in my pencil. I couldn't help but look at the clock frequently either. The room I was in just happened to have a Best Buddies flyer hanging right by my face; that was distracting for me. My thoughts went from food, to my kitties, to RCA, to school, to life, to work, to friendship, to QT, to breathing patterns... and on and on and on...


[[I'm going through camera withdrawl.]]

I got my hair dyed on Thursday since my boss told me to get rid of the blue; it's a pretty redish-purpleish dark color now. It looks natural, which is good, but it's still different, which I like :D I also got the my hair trimmed to get rid of the split ends, but not even an inch was cut. It's weird though, because I feel like my hair is shorter, like sholder length shorter. But no, I look in the mirror and it's still long :) I'm trying to figure out if it's my subconsious trying to tell me that I need a change of hair style :P

I wonder if I'll ever post a blog that actually ends up how I plan it to, as this one again went in a completely different dirrection. So weird!

Tommorow my kitties are getting their picture taken with Santa Claus C: I get to dress them up and torture them a little, yay. Spaz is going to be an elf, with just a red and green "joker" coller; Weeny gets to be Santa, beard and all, and my little Zuzu is going to wear antlers. I'm so excited, I plan on trying to get a cheap female santa costume for myself, but we'll see if I have time. I wouldn't even know where to look.

I also would like to get the chance to buy a Josh Groban CD. I don't like some of his music, but there's one CD that I really like. I don't even know what it's called, but I know the songs on it. I have a 25% off coupon for Barnes and Noble, so hopefully I'll get there at some point tommorrow.

I still need to get Jeffrey's corn snake too.

I think I'm stalling... I don't want to work, and I don't want to do homework. Ugh.

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