Wednesday, December 16, 2009

PetSmart Santa

I love that my first day off from Fall semester I got off work as well. I did text Christine to ask about switching shifts with my brother this Saturday, but other than that I didn't have to deal with anything work related! That's a first in quite a while, so it was nice. I also slept until one today; I never do that anymore! It was a nice change.

Ten years ago, Mom took Jeffrey, me, Saddie, and Mattie to PetSmart to visit Santa.

I love it.
This year, ten years later,
Mom took them again.

I still can't believe that Mom gave Mattie to Santa.
I am even moreso shocked that she behaved.
I love that her arm is in the picture;
She is even holding up my kitty's deer antlers.

I also got to get my picture taken with my babies
They all got dressed up in little collars :)
I don't normally dress up animals
but I couldn't help myself
(They deserved a little torture.)

I'm excited for Christmas this year.

PS, Hailey: I still can't post comments on your blog.


  1. That is too cute:). I'm not one to dress up pets either, but this year we got maggie a little elf hat. :)P.S. I THINK I fixed my comments? not quite sure though, this site kinda confuses me sometimes!

  2. I was looking for an elf hat, but all I could find was the little collar that Spaz is wearing (the black and white kitty.)

    This site has taken me a while to get used to! I couldn't even tell people were leaving comments for the longest time, so I never responded. Oops!
