Sunday, December 27, 2009

Big Plans, Big Future

Life Goals:

I want to live in a few different places for at least one year each.

Vancouver, Canada

Ever since I met my Canadian friend Brandon Doucet, I have wanted to live there for at least a part of my life. It just seems like a nice place to live, and if I were to move anywhere outside of the United States, this would be my first choice. Mainly because they speak a lot of English over there; plus it's close. After seeing pictures from my parent's trip there, I fell in love with the scenery. I didn't realize it was so green! The only downfall is the simple freezing weather.

New York City, New York

I have been in love with the city for a long time, and what better city to live in than the notorious New York? I've always enjoyed the thought of being able to walk everywhere I go: grocery store, work, school, everything! I want to attend the writing school here, always have but never really have felt that it would be a solid career, so it's more of an "after I'm stable" goal. However, I never want to raise children in the city. It shows an awful side of humanity that I would rather my kids not see until they have to. So, unless I move here shortly after UNLV, it's highly unlikely that I ever will live in the Big Apple.

San Francisco, California

The only negatives I have found to California are the high prices and the lack of good financial spending. Other than that, I am truly in love with this state. I'm not stuck on San Francisco, I have liked every part of Cali that I have been to, but as of now this is where I have my heart set. I don't want beach front property or the biggest house in the United States, I just love the weather and atmosphere. Away from the more touristy places and further into the suburbs, I can see myself raising a family here. Again, before I have kids, I can see myself (by myself, with boyfriend, or husband) living in the mild city within walking distance of everything.

From a very young age, my parents got me addicted to traveling. There are so many places I want to see, and even some places where I want to get a vacation home... someday.

Honolulu, Hawaii

Of course, I had to list the obvious but no, I wouldn't ever want to live in Hawaii. It's beautiful and I loved it when I went, but I do think that it is a tad over rated. Not really, but why live in paradise? Then there's nowhere to vacation! Spending Christmas here was gorgeous, and totally my kind of Christmas! Bathing suit on the beach instead of bundled in jackets. I definitely would love to do it over and again.

Rome, Italy

And of course, Rome is a must see on my list; ancient and beautiful. I fell in love with the dazzling history at a young age, and the fact that many buildings are still standing makes me feel like I could step into the past. Currently, I am planning on taking a cruise around to all of Europe. Or at least to many parts of Europe. Although a date is not yet set, I cannot wait ♥

Tokyo, Japan

Although I would never want to live in Tokyo, I most definitely want to visit. Ever since day one, I have been absolutely fascinated by the culture of Japan. It has been a dream of mine to go for a long time, but I'm also scared of the crowds and language barrier. Still, someday I do plan on going and I plan on staying for around a month.

There are several other places that I would love to see someday, but for now these are what I'm focused on.

Another goal that I have is one that I wish I could start right away; like now. My dad showed me this design one day via Facebook. It is a home that was created in Japan (See? Japan is fascinating!) especially for cats.

I understand that it isn't likely that I will have the time nor money to do this anytime soon, but it is still one of my life goals: I want to be able to have a foster care for cats, maybe not in my own home, but at least have a house built like the one in the pictures so that it will fit many abandoned cats and kittens. Personally, I would love for this to be a career, but the unstable income would be way too worrisome for me.

In all actuality, I would love for it to be right in my own home, but I highly doubt that I will find a husband willing to live with so many animals. Plus, it would get annoying and the house dedicated to the cats would be like a large playground, kinda cool.

Anyway, I do plan on designing my dream home someday- maybe it will include the cat design, maybe it won't. We'll see. I'm already starting the designs, but I need to learn a bit more about interior design before I can get it all official. I hope to live in it by the time I'm thirty; that way it can be the home I raise my children in and everything.

Throughout my life, I would like to obtain different degrees.

English Degree

I would love to be a writer someday, and I have started writing a few different books. I haven't written anything in a couple of years, which makes me extremely sad. I just can't take the time to sit and focus like I used to. But, still I want to get my degree in English. I think that if I ever became a teacher, it would probably be in English (or art.) I would also need to get my degree in education to accomplish being a teacher. Whether that happens or not, I think an English degree would be a good asset. It will probably be the last that I get, but it would be nice even only for intelligence reasons.

Hotel and Lodging/Hospitality

This is the degree that I plan to be working on by the upcoming fall semester. One of my longstanding dreams is to own a business, which now has become a hotel. Eventually, I would absolutely love to design, own and manage my very own hotel- it doesn't have to be a five star resort or anything like that, but it does have to be perfect. Again, it isn't something that will be fast accomplished, since it will cost more than I can imagine, but it's still something I'm confidant I will accomplish- hopefully before I am forty. Of course, I will also need to get my business degree along side this one, but that should be too hard.


Fashion, interior, graphic... all of these are great design careers. Personally, I hope to someday get a degree in general design so that I can accomplish the basics of these. Honestly, I don't know if this is even an option, but it would be nice. Otherwise, I will just have to get all three of the previously mentioned :)

I want to have a family.

I want to someday find the person of my dreams, get married, and have children.

I work to live, and I live to play. I could add on to this list forever and never be satisfied, but since these are the goals that are replaying over and over in my head right now, they are the ones I will stick to. I do need to figure out some short term goals for myself at sometime though...

[[I plan to live an extraordinary life.]]


  1. This post was AMAZING! It's always nice to hear about other people goals. I think it makes you think more about your own and what you want to work for. I think these goals fit you perfectly.Thanks for posting them:)

  2. Thanks! You should do one sometime! It was so fun :]
